There's no way to say this without sounding like a whiny, entitled d-bag. So, here goes. I was so disappointed in myself yesterday that I felt physically ill. On the Vine program, I had the shot at getting a Denon X4000...can you believe that? FAR the best thing that I ever would have gotten...but I was too slow and they ran out. I'd never seen anything like that on Vine before, and I had actually daydreamed about them offering it after I read the review here. By "too slow," I mean that it took me roughly five seconds to find it in the list after it became available and request it. I then tried to get a Harmony Ultimate remote, but they again must have ran out as I was requesting it. I won't even get into the $1000 HK receiver or the other Harmony remote that I also didn't get. See, I sound like a d-bag.