Hi Everyone.
Gene asked me for my comments on this thread, so here goes. I'm not here to promote my speaker, or to make judgements about anyones preferences, but I can comment on some of the findings.
As Gene says, with grill off there is no very strong peak at 4.5kHz. What response variation exits is not a driver resonance either, it is due to diffraction. It changes with measurement angle and distance. Even 1m is not sufficient distance for all the drivers to fully integrate, and diffraction response will also change not just with angle but with distance.
At 4.5kHz, the upper woofer is acoustically nearly 15dB down, so the major contributor is the tweeter (and grille). At 15 and 30 deg off axis horizontally, the response smooths out.
These localised diffraction response anomolies should never be equalized out in the xover. You will create many more problems with the sound than you are attempting to fix. This is one of the perils of DSP speaker equalization: the temptation to measure at one angle and create an inverse correction curve. Very bad idea!
Now, I made my design decisions and compromises to make the speaker available at this price point. I don't pretend that everyone will agree with all my decisions. That's OK, and I welcome such discussions on forums such as these. Could the speaker be better? Of course it could. Would it cost more? Of course it would. Could you design your own network to make the speaker more to your taste? Of course you could. Would it cost you nearly as much as the original cost of the complete speaker? Well, I think you can guess my answer

While I cannot officially encourage you to pull it apart and experiment, as it would void the warranty, this is a DIY forum, we all enjoy the hobby and experimenting. If you have the ability and inclintion, have at it, I won't be offended (no, really, truly

Andrew Jones