Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic General
You guys will be proud of me. Finally got my new phone case in today (so awesome, easily the coolest phone case I've ever seen), but my old headphones didn't fit the plug with the new case. Went to future shop and the best non wireless sennheiser headphones they had did fit. They sound so much better, it's amazing!


Audioholic Samurai
Does anyone do 'day trading' using Scott Trade or Ameritrade? I found this simulator that is pretty cool. You start with $100,000.00. Basic sign up using email address. You can opt out of receiving promotional emails at sign up.

Investopedia Stock Simulator

I think we need a "You're a d!@k" button to balance out the thanks button...:)
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Ok PSB I think you get the award for the most boring post of the day. I was going to go with Harald's photos of boats again but this trumps him.


Audioholic Overlord
They say you are what you eat. I just ate king cake so I must be king.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Crap. I think my Onkyo amp in my office is crapping out. Right channel is going. Thanks again to the idiot on ebay that I bought it from who thought packing an amp for shipment was as simple as just putting in a box. I do have a spare but I'm feeling like Alex and would rather b1tch about it than fix the issue.:eek:;)


You're not spending your projector money are you???
It's a company phone.

My accountant hasn't released the funds yet. But I will most likely go for either an Epson 5020UB or 6020UB. Just depends on pricing. I'd prefer the Pro 6020UB since there is a couple extras. The Pro comes with a 3 year warranty, a spare lamp, the mount and the rear cable cover. It's also black :cool:

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