

Audioholic Jedi
My Furman power strip arrived yesterday. Wow, it's bigger than I had imagined. Looks beefy. (Twist away, misquoters. :D)

I'll try to get pictures of it next to the Belkin. I haven't installed it, yet, but I did plug it in - completely silent. The way a power strip should be. :) No hum like the Panamax that I returned (but it was probably defective). I can't wait to bask in the glory of it's power conditioning. :D


Audioholic Jedi
In addition to the power strip, I also bought Metro Vacuum ED500 DataVac. I perused Amazon for compressed air cans to blow dust out of my PS3 and came across it. Although it's called a "vac," it's actually a blower. Mostly great reviews, and it sure seems built well. I plugged it in to see how loud it was (at least one review said it was really loud), and it's not bad. Kind of like a hair dryer or vacuum. Great air flow, too.

I posted about it mostly to say this - it almost brought a tear to my eye last night when I saw that it was made in the U.S.A. It's awesome any more to see something built so nicely and be from here.



Audioholic Ninja
I have one of them dusters at my office in the room with all my computer stuff, I dont think anyone uses it, and the company that set up our system put it in there, so it probably cost me 3 times that amazon price....


Audioholic Jedi
I have one of them dusters at my office in the room with all my computer stuff, I dont think anyone uses it, and the company that set up our system put it in there, so it probably cost me 3 times that amazon price....
You should try it out! Nicely made, IMO. It was on when I plugged it in (my own fault - I thought the switch was on when it arrived, so I toggled it...I was wrong), and it gave a bit of a kick. It's got some power.


Audioholic Ninja
Im sure my office manager uses it, I have never personally used it, but we built the new building and with new buildings {especially metal covered block} you get a lot of dust for some reason, and my comp system hates dust, actually had to add a/c to that room because it gets like 20 degrees warmer in there compared to anywhere else in the building for some reason, and then the repair guy comes and thinks nothing of charging $3000 for some stupid black box that no one can engineer to not run at 3 degrees under the temperature of the sun, and I could probably do everything that room of boxes, wires, and fans do with a pair of iphones...

But anyway rant over, sorry.. Back to the blower, be careful not to get it stuck, that would be an embarrassing Emergency Room visit...

Im still waiting for the thermostat review...


Audioholic Warlord
In addition to the power strip, I also bought Metro Vacuum ED500 DataVac. I perused Amazon for compressed air cans to blow dust out of my PS3 and came across it. Although it's called a "vac," it's actually a blower. Mostly great reviews, and it sure seems built well. I plugged it in to see how loud it was (at least one review said it was really loud), and it's not bad. Kind of like a hair dryer or vacuum. Great air flow, too.

I posted about it mostly to say this - it almost brought a tear to my eye last night when I saw that it was made in the U.S.A. It's awesome any more to see something built so nicely and be from here.

+1 on the metro vac. Great airflow. Saves money in the long-run vs. the air cans. Just a can may be more convenient for small jobs or a quick blow-off.


Audioholic Overlord
In addition to the power strip, I also bought Metro Vacuum ED500 DataVac. I perused Amazon for compressed air cans to blow dust out of my PS3 and came across it. Although it's called a "vac," it's actually a blower. Mostly great reviews, and it sure seems built well. I plugged it in to see how loud it was (at least one review said it was really loud), and it's not bad. Kind of like a hair dryer or vacuum. Great air flow, too.

I posted about it mostly to say this - it almost brought a tear to my eye last night when I saw that it was made in the U.S.A. It's awesome any more to see something built so nicely and be from here.

How does it compare to a small shop vac? Does it go both ways? Sometimes I prefer to suck the dust out because blowing it in can cause other problems.


Audioholic Warlord
How does it compare to a small shop vac? Does it go both ways? Sometimes I prefer to suck the dust out because blowing it in can cause other problems.
Mine only blows. Typically, I try to use this thing outside, because blowing stuff out inside just moves the problem elsewhere. I don't have a small vac to compare.


Audioholic Chief
+1 on the metro vac. Great airflow. Saves money in the long-run vs. the air cans. Just a can may be more convenient for small jobs or a quick blow-off.
Yeah but it can't make your voice go really low and make the world go wa...wa...wa...wa...wa. What? Never ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I couldn't see any dust coming out of the PS3 when I used that blower this morning. I guess that my lungs are better than I thought - I blew it out a couple of weeks ago. (Brian? :))


Audioholic Jedi
I took the Belkin PF31D out of the entertainment center yesterday and got it all boxed up. Wow, I really hate rerouting cables. :) The Furman is now in place, but I needed more outlets, so I also moved an older Panamax strip out there by it. They are both hidden behind other things, so it looks pretty clean. I kinda miss the Belkin, but I don't miss the Belkin display "night light" (it can't be shut off), that's for sure. :D


Audioholic Spartan
I took the Belkin PF31D out of the entertainment center yesterday and got it all boxed up. Wow, I really hate rerouting cables. :) The Furman is now in place, but I needed more outlets, so I also moved an older Panamax strip out there by it. They are both hidden behind other things, so it looks pretty clean. I kinda miss the Belkin, but I don't miss the Belkin display "night light" (it can't be shut off), that's for sure. :D
Since you're I hear a humming noise.:D


Audioholic Jedi
The POS-1 has been removed from the system. I don't think that it's going to return.


Audioholic Jedi
That POS has stuck around because every time that I go to remove it, I'm impressed by the exterior build quality. Then, I put it back. And listen to it hum. And hum. No more. It's going back in the box.

EDIT: I edited my post because I typed a word that auto-linked to the website of the company that sold me that POS. Yeah...I don't think so.

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