Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Everyone who voted for me has now been properly thanked- thanks to everyone who voted for me, and to everyone who voted and made it a good contest!
I'm still wainting on my bribe money :mad:


Audioholics Five-0
Funny thing about women, you always find yourself apologizing even when you didn't do anything wrong :rolleyes:

I guess telling her she needs to lighten up literally and figuratively wasn't the wisest choice :eek:
Heh, I got into trouble this morning for something similar. I informed my wife that she had left her headphones in the trunk of her car after a debacle involving the stroller and got an earful. I may have then lost my cool and given her an earful. I'd like to say lesson learned, but I'm the defiant type :p


Audioholics Five-0
Oh good, secretly she yearned to be set straight by you. :D
Yeah, that's about the time I get the silent treatment so I can think about what I've done and how sorry I am; by this point, I'll need to be "Super Sorry" in order to be forgiven.


Audioholic Warlord
Heh, I got into trouble this morning for something similar. I informed my wife that she had left her headphones in the trunk of her car after a debacle involving the stroller and got an earful. I may have then lost my cool and given her an earful. I'd like to say lesson learned, but I'm the defiant type :p
I'm not the defiant type until she starts throwing things :D Then I'm more of the yell stuff over my shoulder as I run away type.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm not the defiant type until she starts throwing things :D Then I'm more of the yell stuff over my shoulder as I run away type.
You should try and have a face to face conversation. I find it helpful to use this:



She's a modern day Jimmy Olson.
80% of the time I had no idea she was taking pictures.
We might have to do something about that when she gets down here. Can't have any of the "activities" going public.

Alex and Adam couldn't handle knowing what they missed :D


Audioholic Spartan
I can't wait to get the rest of the pictures Brenda took.

We might have to do something about that when she gets down here. Can't have any of the "activities" going public.

Alex and Adam couldn't handle knowing what they missed :D
I asked her to delete all the pics that had me with a stupid look on my face.
Since that was the look I was going for... I figured/hoped they were all deleted.:D


Audioholic Jedi
Five pounds of bacon for a midnight snack? :eek: Bacon or not, that's a s**t ton of food!


Audioholic Spartan
Who calls the police to report their missing bacon? And what police bother to fill out a report on it? The police in our town wouldn't even come out when I told them there was a bear in my yard. They told me to leave him alone.

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