Ha! I didn't know the Legato were still on the table
KEW and I traded a few PM's on this subject, and I thought he had shied away from the SVS Legato system! But if they're back on the table, that makes for a VERY interesting possibility!
Here's the thing, you don't need the sheer output capabilities of dual Plus subs, nor the sheer deep bass extension. But the Legato package offers one particularly neat feature, which is the ability to set both the high pass filter out to the speakers and the low pass filter to the subwoofer!
Feed the outboard Legato amp a full range stereo signal. The STA-800H can then apply a perfect 4th order low pass filter at, say, 80Hz to feed the dual Plus subs, and then also apply a perfect 4th order high pass filter to the stereo outputs that feed the speakers!
This is particularly attractive in the case of the Solo6 Be. Being self-powered, the Solo6 Be can easily accept the high pass filtered signal coming out of the STA-800H amp. But more than that, the Solo6 Be have a bass response where they're basically flat down to about 50Hz, they sort of heffalump their way down to 40Hz due to the port tuning, then they basically fall off a cliff! That makes them rather difficult to properly bass manage. If you try to cross them over where they naturally start to roll off at about 50Hz, you run into the boosted port output at 40Hz and end up with a hump in your frequency response. If you drop the crossover way down to 40Hz, you lose the dynamic advantages of allowing a subwoofer to handle that region of the bass, and you wind up with an almost brick wall filter below 40Hz once the steep roll off of the Solo6 Be cascades with the 2nd order slope applied by any receiver or pre-pro. And if you cross them over up at 80Hz with just the receiver or pre-pro's bass management, you'll only have a 2nd order slope since the Solo6 Be are pretty darn flat to well below 80Hz!
So using the outboard STA-800H amp provided in the Legato package isn't just about the dual Plus cylinder subs. They're fantastic. But it's also about the crossover!
The regular PB12 or PC12-Plus subs don't have the high pass filtered output going to the speakers. Only the Ultra series subs include the high pass output aside from the STA-800H outboard amp in SVSound's lineup. So even though dual PC12-Plus subs offer double the amplifier power and don't cost a heck of a lot more than the Legato package, in a case like this, the Legato still offer a unique value