Last call for advice - articulate music dual subs



KEW if you only have one listening position, I think you would be better served with a single high end sub since your priority is articulation. If it were me, I would give Funk Audio a call and see how their 15" subs are going, they might fall in your price range. After all, if acudeftechguy is selling his Rythmiks in favor of his Funks, that must mean something. If you want to avoid single sub localization, just cross it over low, providing your mains are capable down to 60 or 70 hz. Barring that, I would go for Hsu ULS or Rythmik subs, or, if you can make the stretch, a Seaton submersive. You might also look into JTR's sealed captivator, it supposedly sounds very good. The thing is, you may not think you will need some real dynamics right now, but I think there will come a time in your music listening when you wish you had it. Think about throwing in an album and in there is a track that when it hits and grabs you, you just have to crank it. Also, if you just get one high end sub now and still pine for duals, save up and get another and you will have a bass system that is truly enviable. But, if you are certain you will never need the big dynamics, I think the Rythmik F12s are the ones with your name on them. The advantage of that is if you ever want more output than what your Rythmik subs can give, just buy two more F12s and stack them.
Unless they are going to have a pre-order heavily discounted sale, the Funk 15.0's won't be anywhere near $2k for duals.

I think the ULS-15's would be my primary choice for dual subs under/at $2k. The F12's a close second.

As for F12 vs F12G, no idea.

All of this is simply based on what users say about their subs though, as none of these subs have been tested from a measurements perspective to my knowledge. Not that measurements are the end all and be all of SQ of course. But I rarely have (if ever) read a review by someone who spent more than $600 on a sub where the individual has come back to say negative things about the SQ (until that person goes and "upgrades" to a more expensive sub, or just another sub, at which time this new sub blows the other one out of the water). So removing the bias from the equation becomes impossible, IMO.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I was suggesting a single Funk sub to start with, but yeah, it is unlikely you can even get one for less than $2k shipped. Hsu ULS subs are killer, I can vouch for that. Just terrific subs. As for the Rythmik F12 vs F12g, I believe the advantage of the F12g is the paper driver has an extended frequency response above the regular aluminum drivers, in case you wanted to cross them over higher.


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks for all of the continued discussion. I got busy and haven't had time to really do the research on various suggestions.
One note is Rythmik does have a high pass filter option for the mains. It is a free add-on. I don't remember what they said about the HPF roll-off rate. The Rythmik site is a bit convoluted and it takes tenacity or a phone call to identify some of the options available (like the 10% discount for two doesn't show until you put them in the cart - I found it in Ascend Acoustic's Rythmik pages).


Junior Audioholic
Just a heads up on the GR Research driver, I honestly feel that the most important difference between the two is the ability to use a much higher crossover point.

Danny (who I respect, seeing as all my speakers are designed by him) definitely is not a fan of metal based cones. That is the reason for a lot of the talk about fast bass, etc. But I have not heard anything but good things about both subwoofers.

One thing you may want to look into is possibly doing an open baffle subwoofer if you like the GR Research drivers. A lot of people think this is the very best option for mostly music listening. Apparently they do not engage the room the same way, making placement and some room correction unnecessary.

Just something to look into. Linkwitz Labs has some of the background to that as well, if I recall correctly... either infinite baffle or open baffle to remove the room out of the equation.
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AV Rant Co-Host
Thanks for all of the continued discussion. I got busy and haven't had time to really do the research on various suggestions.
One note is Rythmik does have a high pass filter option for the mains. It is a free add-on. I don't remember what they said about the HPF roll-off rate. The Rythmik site is a bit convoluted and it takes tenacity or a phone call to identify some of the options available (like the 10% discount for two doesn't show until you put them in the cart - I found it in Ascend Acoustic's Rythmik pages).
Yeah, I remember our PM discussion, and how, as I mentioned in my first reply - ALL things considered, the dual Rythmik F12 seem to make the most sense - at least to me ;)

But yeah, anyone who knows me around here knows what a big fan I am of the SVSound Ultra subs. And the high-pass & low-pass crossover feature is actually a pretty big contributor to my fandom! The Legato package lets you get that feature along with dual subs for a considerably lower price. And I do recall saying how I actually thought the "old" SB13-Plus was actually the perfect match for the Solo6 Be. That (sadly discontinued) model had the STA-1000D Sledge amp with the high-pass feature. And now it's sort of been reborn with the SB13-Ultra! But with the higher price tag to go along with it ;)

I dunno. If you take the advice to use just a lone subwoofer for the time being, pretty hard to say no to the new SB13-Ultra, don't'cha think? :p I mean, a pair of SB13-Ultra is ONLY $1000 over your budget, right? :D


Audioholic Overlord
I dunno. If you take the advice to use just a lone subwoofer for the time being, pretty hard to say no to the new SB13-Ultra, don't'cha think? :p I mean, a pair of SB13-Ultra is ONLY $1000 over your budget, right? :D
I hear enough of that type of chatter from inside my own head - don't need it from anyone else thank you!:mad:

I had emailed SVS this morning and asked if they would give a discount on a pair like they do on the SB12-NSD. Haven't heard back yet, so I suspect they will wait until the pre-order sale ends tonight, then email me back with a discount equivalent to the pre-order sale!:p

I'm not sure I would go with the SB13 Ultras even if they did give a healthy discount. I really like to be able to move gear around - swap these subs with the ones upstairs for a couple of weeks, etc. I like that the Rythmiks are compact and not too heavy for me to comfortably haul up the steps without risk of an aneurism (I know, you PB13 ultra guys are calling me a wimp!).


Audioholic Overlord
I had emailed SVS this morning and asked if they would give a discount on a pair like they do on the SB12-NSD. Haven't heard back yet, so I suspect they will wait until the pre-order sale ends tonight, then email me back with a discount equivalent to the pre-order sale!:p
I need to retract this statement!

I hit send in a rush on my way out this AM. I just noticed the SVS contact window open on my computer with a note "please check whether you would like us to contact you via email or phone". Arrgh! I didn't complete the damn form!

But mystery solved - I have never know SVS not to respond immediately during their business hours!

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