Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
i think my good hard drive failed yesterday. thats one is only from 2006 so now im pretty worried about my other one since its from 2004 :eek:
its pretty annoying when your stuff fails because you bought the cheapest you could find and then your forced to do it again because your dad wont get a job -.-
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Senior Audioholic
i guess im lucky i backed up most of the stuff on it last week i guess.. but i still lost photoshop for about the 100,000th time.


Audioholic Ninja
its pretty annoying when your stuff fails because you bought the cheapest you could find and then your forced to do it again because your dad wont get a job -.-
Are you sure you're not American???


Audioholic Jedi
i think my good hard drive failed yesterday. thats one is only from 2006 so now im pretty worried about my other one since its from 2004 :eek:
its pretty annoying when your stuff fails because you bought the cheapest you could find and then your forced to do it again because your dad wont get a job -.-
Sorry to hear about that - it can be very annoying. I'm glad that you backed it up recently.

Hard drives fail whether they are inexpensive or not. It just happens. Running them in a mirrored RAID can reduce the risk of losing data, as can regular backups.

Heck, I tend to buy the cheapest ones and I have a job. :)


Senior Audioholic
Are you sure you're not American???
i live next to Detroit :p everyone around here is pretty much american.
Sorry to hear about that - it can be very annoying. I'm glad that you backed it up recently.

Hard drives fail whether they are inexpensive or not. It just happens. Running them in a mirrored RAID can reduce the risk of losing data, as can regular backups.

Heck, I tend to buy the cheapest ones and I have a job. :)
my backup was corrupted. i backed it up to my laptop hard drive and everything is on it now EXCEPT the folder with my backups. apparently it was all corrupted :mad:
i thought about doing raid but only raid 0. i dont feel i have any data valuable enough to really need raid 1 setup. plus it would be too expensive (maybe once i get a job) and i would need a pci raid controller.
im gonna look around for cheap laptop hard drives tomorrow and just replace my laptops one since its about 20 times bigger than it needs and its like almost ssd fast. gonna miss 15 second boot times at school but oh well. i would figure a 40gb laptop one will be cheaper than a 160gb+ desktop one anyways.


Audioholic Slumlord
Whatcha bringing for lunch?
A pear, an apple, low fat cottage cheese made from real dairy :p and some almonds. That will cover break and lunch if need be and I had something similar yesterday to get me past a couple of meals while I worked on redoing a bathroom for some friends. It works but when you run out of gas your body sure lets you know it's time to eat again in no uncertain terms. Today I'll more than likely grab an omelet at a breakfast joint like I did last week.

Now I'm really starting to see why 14 ga wire is so much better to work with for normal house hold stuff. I had bought a 250' roll of 12 ga for those people way back and am I ever sorry now. I yanked my first toilet a few days ago based on some instructions from a professional toilet yanker from decades ago. It's weird what you remember through years of alcohol induced stupor. Maybe if I had done more drugs that piece of info would have become obscured and I might have skipped past that bit of unpleasantness. :rolleyes:

Toilets ... can that be the topic for the day?


Audioholic Jedi
Toilets ... can that be the topic for the day?
I'm surprised that you asked - it's like after all these years, you don't even know us. :D

From time to time, I think that I'd like to get new toilets. The desire is never strong enough to actually do anything about it, though. Mine work just fine.


Audioholic Spartan
Now I'm really starting to see why 14 ga wire is so much better to work with for normal house hold stuff. I had bought a 250' roll of 12 ga for those people way back and am I ever sorry now....
Admit it, you just bought it for the pretty yellow color.



Hey, curb appeal never hurts . :)
If you really want to work on your curb appeal, might I suggest....

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>


Audioholic Jedi
I think that I'll trim the trees a bit more today. There are some branches hanging over my roof, which doesn't bode well for tiles when it gets windy.


My Hero

One of my cats saved my house yesterday morning. I was just headed out the door for work when one of my cats was clawing at a cabinet next to my desk. I went over to check it out and started to smell electrical smoke. As soon as I opened the cabinet I saw that my APC BackUPS unit that I use with my desktop computer was burning. I quickly unplugged and got it out of my house.
Not a pretty site when I opened the case this morning before throwing it away.

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