Question 1:
What music service or media player do you use to listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Zune, etc.)
I use Last.FM primarily for streaming online and WMP for DLNA streaming from computer.
Question 2:
Have you looked at any type of wireless solutions for your audio needs? If so who have you looked at/researched?
Briefly looked, but hadn't considered it too much since they were in their infancy a few years back and either ran wire or waited on some rooms.
Question 3:
How familiar are you with Aperion Audio’s wireless solutions?
Very Familiar – Know about HAL, Zona, and Summit
Familiar - Know that Aperion has wireless products but don’t have enough info
Somewhat - Know of Aperion Audio but not familiar with any products
First time hearing about Aperion Audio
Somewhat - I know Aperion and hope to buy a set in the next year or so, but wasn't aware they offered wireless setups.