Question 1:
What music service or media player do you use to listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Zune, etc.)
I play my music mostly through itunes, usually downloads, rips from my vinyl, and cd rips. Occasionally listen to and Pandora
Question 2:
Have you looked at any type of wireless solutions for your audio needs? If so who have you looked at/researched?
Have not looked into wireless much. I always assumed that signal quality may be a factor with wireless, but I honestly do not know what the latest and greatest is with this technology
Question 3:
How familiar are you with Aperion Audio’s wireless solutions?
Familiar - Know that Aperion has wireless products but don’t have enough info -- I did not know about the wireless products, but I have heard Aperion's speakers at the RMAF last year.