Question 1:
What music service or media player do you use to listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Zune, etc.)
I use a Microsoft Zune 80 as my main music player and on my iPhone 4s, I use Pandora.
Question 2:
Have you looked at any type of wireless solutions for your audio needs? If so who have you looked at/researched?
I have not considered any wireless solutions for myself though I may purchase one as a gift. I have so far looked at the Apple Airport Express, the Audioengine W3 and the Outlaw OAW3.
Question 3:
How familiar are you with Aperion Audio’s wireless solutions?
a. Very Familiar – Know about HAL, Zona, and Summit
b. Familiar - Know that Aperion has wireless products but don’t have enough info
c. Somewhat - Know of Aperion Audio but not familiar with any products
d. First time hearing about Aperion Audio
b. I am familiar with Aperian Audio as a company but have not explored their wireless options. I will now consider them along with the other companies listed in my previous answer.