Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Ninja
It's all part of the trap. Don't fall for it.
Sunnava-B. I think you're right. Although, I think the one on the far right is probably legal. It looks as though she has already put on the freshman 40. Second from the right still has her parents buying jeans that are on sale, so she must be too young. If she's not, and she picked out that pair of high-waters, she's probably snacking on a softball outfielder anyways. Second from the left is the "bait". Likely because thats the one that needs to turn around the most...

Dibs on grey sweatpants, pencil hair chick.


Audioholic Jedi
I'd say that I'd wait for plaid, but let's face it, her math skills will be too formidable by then...


Audioholic Samurai
I heard someone say that a patent is only worth what you are willing to pay to defend it.

I've done a little math here and there. :D

I just had my girl watch that dog tease video. She liked that a lot.
See, Adam? You can make women happy with the help of a dog.
There's no need to take a gun when you walk yours.

Something tells me you don't change your filter all that often.
Just a hunch.
Keep the cash Monty Hall. I'll take what's behind door number two.


Audioholic Jedi
:eek: Umm... upon rereading that...... yeah, I see your point.:eek:
What, are you embarrassed that you aren't twisted 24 hours a day? :D Even though I mostly pay attention to how something that I write can be twisted (and then change the wording), I miss a few. And some I intentionally lob over the plate...
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