Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
I might go to the farmers market tomorrow morning and try to snag some free range chicken eggs. Then again, I might just sit around and post here. Tough call.


Audioholic Slumlord
I might go to the farmers market tomorrow morning and ...
... look for some women after having a couple of shots of rum for breakfast. :)

I just had some roasted red pepper hommus with crackers and water after having some coffee with honey. Technically no sugar but last night I accidentally buttered a roll with dinner. I'm gonna go do some food shopping with my girl so I won't be hanging around here eating and posting about how I'm hanging around here eating and posting.

Doug, I just knocked that last big pic right out of the park like a pro. Bring it. :D

Uhmmm ... if anybody wants to trade an Oppo for some earbuds, let me know. :cool:


Audioholic Jedi
...with honey. Technically no sugar...
I probably missed where you said why you are cutting out sugar and dairy. Why are you?

If you are cutting out sugar based on glycemic index, then I recommend agave nectar if you haven't tried it (we probably had this discussion years ago, but I can't remember). I think that the stuff is delicious, and it comes in different varieties. There are lighter nectars that have less taste, and darker ones that have more taste.


Audioholic Chief
My Moshi Vortex earbuds showed up.
I'm thinking about making a gift of them to somebody who uses earbuds.
They sure are pretty in their package.

I do appreciate Moshi's generosity.
As soon as these find their way to providing somebody with music I'll report back.

I never win any of those contests, lol.

I should start the Really Boring Items Only contest...where you can win something extremely boring.

What's the most boring item possible you could win?

....A pencil holder... ear muffs....


Audioholic Overlord
I'm meeting someone in a parking lot for an amp cash swap. I always feel so dirty doing this.


Audioholic Spartan
I probably missed where you said why you are cutting out sugar and dairy. Why are you?
Adam, you may be wasting a post.
We'll have the same chance of seeing Alex cut out sugar, as we will seeing him burn his Broke Back Mountain Blu-Ray.

There are lighter nectars that have less taste, and darker ones that have more taste.
We started using dark agave nectar last year, great stuff!


Audioholic Slumlord
I probably missed where you said why you are cutting out sugar and dairy. Why are you?

If you are cutting out sugar based on glycemic index, then I recommend agave nectar if you haven't tried it (we probably had this discussion years ago, but I can't remember). I think that the stuff is delicious, and it comes in different varieties. There are lighter nectars that have less taste, and darker ones that have more taste.
Alex, and while you're on agave - why not to straight to finished product - Tequila - it's Friday ! Cheers mates


Audioholic Spartan
I never win any of those contests, lol.

I should start the Really Boring Items Only contest...where you can win something extremely boring.

What's the most boring item possible you could win?

....A pencil holder... ear muffs....
A broken paperclip?


Audioholic Slumlord
I probably missed where you said why you are cutting out sugar and dairy. Why are you?

If you are cutting out sugar based on glycemic index, then I recommend agave nectar if you haven't tried it (we probably had this discussion years ago, but I can't remember). I think that the stuff is delicious, and it comes in different varieties. There are lighter nectars that have less taste, and darker ones that have more taste.
I have some of that agave stuff from Whole Paychek. I like both kinds. Honey is suppose to be low on the glycemic index too and I like the taste of that as well.

As you're well aware I have a bit of a sweet tooth and I like washing my desserts down with beer ... I mean milk because I no longer drink scotch. Cutting out dairy and sugar just seemed like a good way to knock out some unnecessary empty carb and fat calories plus the benefit of reduced cholesterol intake realized through the elimination of dairy. I think from about two or three years ago my doctor looked like he was going to have a coronary just from looking at my cholesterol numbers. I gotta go see him pretty soon because my g/f insists and my failure to drop weight is embarrassing. Overdosing on sugar leaves me feeling hung over and shitty in general and my ability to do stuff in moderation is non existent but I seem to be able to stop a shocking variety of really fun activities completely so I am going with my strengths on this.

Plus I don't like the way sugar cane is brutally cut down with machetes. :D


Alex, and while you're on agave - why not to straight to finished product - Tequila - it's Friday ! Cheers mates
I drank all the tequila about 7.5 years ago.

I never win any of those contests, lol.

I should start the Really Boring Items Only contest...where you can win something extremely boring.

What's the most boring item possible you could win?

....A pencil holder... ear muffs....
Winning ear muffs from a guy who lives in Miami ... :D
There's something funny about that. You sure you're not going to miss them?
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Audioholic Jedi
I like both kinds.
I think you've established that. :p

Okay, obligatory NTTAWWT joke out of the way...

I'm glad that you like that stuff. You're right, honey is the same way.

For lower calorie, I've been trying to switch away from aspartame and the like. I sometimes use sugar alcohols like erythritol. Some of the stevia products that are out now are pretty decent. In the past, I couldn't stand the aftertaste of the stevia products that I tried. The one that I tried most recently was pretty good. It was almost entirely xylitol (a sugar alcohol) with a small percentage of stevia. That's not uncommon, as the high-potency sweeteners need some sort of filler to make the volume "correct." Opening up a packet to find a couple of grains of sweetener just wouldn't seem right...that, and what if you dropped one? :)

I think from about two or three years ago my doctor looked like he was going to have a coronary just from looking at my cholesterol numbers.
You would have to appreciate the irony, though.


Audioholic Jedi
Ought ohhh. I'm getting my hopes up. FedEx just got my Beretta magazines to Phoenix. If they can get those handed off to USPS and down to Tucson early enough, I should get them tomorrow. Hee, hee.


Audioholic Slumlord
For lower calorie I sometimes use sugar alcohols like erythritol.
Oh yeah ... Truvia. My girl has that in the cupboard but she just uses honey in tea.
Why are you after low calorie? :confused:

You would have to appreciate the irony, though.
My girl would be pissed at me. He's been her doctor for years and she likes him.

I still have a can of that sh!t like you've never sh!t before in your life oat meal in my cupboard. I just went and pitched it. That was f^%&ing gruesome. Thanks for nothing. You should be buying me toilet paper. I feel like you owe it to me.


Audioholic Jedi
Oh yeah ... Truvia. My girl has that in the cupboard but she just uses honey in tea.
Why are you after low calorie? :confused:
I'm trying to remember what I got, but it wasn't Truvia. Same concept, though. I'm after low calorie so that I don't wake up one day and give up sugar cold turkey. I'd say dairy, but I actually did that. :rolleyes: Actually, it's cause I'm a big fan of snacking and would rather munch on some corn chips then suck down 500 calories in soda (I'm not good at limiting myself to 8 oz).

I still have a can of that sh!t like you've never sh!t before in your life oat meal in my cupboard. I just went and pitched it. That was f^%&ing gruesome. Thanks for nothing. You should be buying me toilet paper. I feel like you owe it to me.
I never said it was good to eat. I just use it as Doug repellent. :eek: :D

J/K, of course. Are you talking about the McCann's steel cut oatmeal? I never that problem. I still have several cans because I'm too lazy to make it. Btw, you should be thanking me for clearing out your system. People pay good money for that. :p


Audioholic Slumlord
McCann's it was. My best by date was 2010 so it was due to go. Nasty.

Do tell about the 'liar' business.


Audioholic Jedi
Double Edit: Uhmmm I think I found that liar incident. Yeah, pretty sure.
Yeah, I deleted my rant on that here because I realized that the person was responding in a thread where I actually hadn't said much about that company. (So, he was calling someone else a liar - but it still ticks me off.) There was a new member who posted the same thing in three threads, but he posted in that thread by mistake (he had bought a Marantz to replace the CD player that the company said was in stock but they haven't made, yet). He ended up deleting his post when I mentioned it didn't belong in that thread, so I deleted my post. Anywaaaay...I'm not mentioning the company's name because I don't want to bring that stuff into our cozy little boring thread.
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