Here opinions on Canadian speakers:
-the only PSBs i ever heard, the dumbasses at the shop had mated to some subwoofers at +10db, maybe +15db. Needless to say I quickly said sayonara. The measurements look nice, but they are still pretty straightforward looking speakers... nothing that really catches my eye in terms of engineering.
-All the paradigms i've ever heard, were bleh
-I liked what little I heard of this one ~$1500 energy speaker I heard one time, but unfortunately the guys at Future Shop don't know how to set up a half decent proper audition. It did seem balanced and smooth though.
- I think totem speakers are for 10' x 10' x 8' bedrooms. I would never run a pair of those things in a real room. After auditioning them for a few minutes i decided they weren't really worth my time...
- The measurements on axioms are a disaster. huge red flag. no thanks
- I really want to hear some of Nathan Funk's speaker designs, especially his FW7.R properly set up with bass bins. One 'o these days I plan to drive the 10 hours to get over there, escape from anyone i'm with for a few hours, and go audition those things.
To me, if a company's cheap stuff isn't any good, I'm not going to make any effort to find their high end stuff... it just seems pointless. A company that can make a good inexpensive speaker is way more likely to catch my attention for high end stuff I can't afford, because it's so easy to be distracted by the ultradetail in pricy high end drivers and miss the point during an audition.