And some thoughts ....
1. Mark has admitted that he "underfunded" some of the raffles. We don't know the exact amount. He has said, both publically, and privately, that he is working on getting them "whole".
Do I like that this happened ? No.
I have talked to Mark (telephone) about these issues - not specific numbers, but just basic concept. The only way that MLS can make these charities "whole" is by surviving in his business.
I hope, and pray, that MLS and company get through this and can make good on obligations, with the charities being first in line.
2. Do I think it is my place to judge Mark ? No.
Two years ago, I lost my little sister because a doctor could not be bothered to treat her properly. My older sister is a licensed nurse practicioner, and is will versed on what happened in this case.
I (actually, our entire family) had two choices ... forgive the doctor (who did apologize in a most profuse manner), or "go after him". We decided as a family to forgive him. No suit was filed, the only punishment he got was from himself and whatever the review board did in Alaska.
Judging people is easy. Helping people when things at the worst for those people is not.
3. What can Mark do now ?
All he can do IS survive, and then live up to his obligations.
Do I think MLS planned on all these things that have happened ? No. This does not help those who are waiting, and nothing can change this fact.
But there has been some follow through coming from him. Derek did get some money. Some products are getting delivered. Some things, Mark cannot discuss at this time, as he stated in his post. Perhaps there has been communication between Mark and the charities involved, with the understanding between all parties that this will remain private until all is settled. We don't know.
One must understand both sides of this. Mark's legal team has one set of rules for Mark, while the court of public opinion has another set of rules.
The simple truth is that the moneys are not there to solve each problem immediately. This will take time, and it will not be easy.
4. Finally - If anyone here thinks that the actions of everyone who is going after Mark are actions borne of altruism, he is quite mistaken.
It is unfortunate, but quite obvious, that there are many people who are down right happy over this entire ordeal. These same people are hiding this happiness behind a facade of "trying to help".
I only ask the each person here thinks carefully before posting ... "What is my real agenda, and is what I am posting going to help the situation, or am I just venting?"