Exciting Changes- Its People and Products
With so many new developments at AV123, we feel it’s very important to cover some topics of importance that we’re sure many of you are interested in.
Its People
Below you’ll find the resignation letter from our former President, Mark L. Schifter. Although Mark resigned from AV123 several weeks ago, he asked that his letter be included in our newsletter. We know that Mark would like to thank the many of you that have shown both him and AV123 a world of support. Below is his official letter of resignation. We wish him the very best as he moves forward.
Dear Friends:
Effective immediately, I am announcing my resignation as President of av123.
My family and I have decided that it’s best if I step back from my administrative role with av123 and concentrate my complete efforts on the development of the new products. This break will allow me to better focus on all of the issues before me now, and in doing so bring about positive changes for av123.
I am stepping back in order to “step up” in several areas. I’m fully prepared to do so – and you’ll see confirmation of that in our new products in the days and weeks to come.
Mark L. Schifter
Its Products
We also would like to take a moment and explain that our decision to begin building all of our products here in America was born out of our desire to “get it right”, and do so here in our own backyard. We have always appreciated the advantages of building products in China and/or Colombia , but we have learned through some very painful lessons that ultimately the only way we can impact the quality of our products in the way we’d like (or need to) is to proactively be a part of that process day in and day out. Our decision was a very difficult one, but one that had to be made. We are so excited to be working with artisians right here in Colorado who will be handcrafting our products with the highest level of quality and care. We hope you will enjoy the beauty of these Made in the USA products.
We have made changes to management and have decidedly moved forward in a new direction with products made close to home that still represent the heritage set forth by the original founders of this company. Nothing about that will change. The manner in which we go to market with these incredible products has been “re-engineered” to focus on quality and delivery in a timely and predictable fashion. Our new management here at AV123 has set us on this new course, and we are carefully managing those processes every day.
We are here to serve you and we shall endeavor to do so each and every day with our valuable customer always in mind. With each new decision, with each new change or course correction, we do so to better our connection to you and your needs, now and on into the future.