You think it's hatred, Harmon? Because I don't see it that way at all. Mark Schifter has entered the world of comedic punchlines, jokes, parodies, and one liners. He has become no different than a lot of folks who no one hates and may even sort of like. For examplke,
Hillary was asked what she's doing tonight to celebrate her wedding aniversary. She replied that she's looking forward to having a nice, quiet dinner. And then sometime after that, she'll give Bill a call and see how he's doing.
Did you hear that Phil Mickelson called Elin Nordegren? He asked her for some tips on beating Tiger.
Disgraced Wall Street investment banker Bernie Madoff has inked a deal with director Steven Spielberg for an upcoming tell-all movie exposing all the people Madoff has ripped off.
It's no different that Leno's or Letterman's monologues or skewers during their shows. It's no different than
The SImpsons,
South Park,
The Colbert Report,
Chris Rock, and things of that nature. It's no different me telling you about how when we knew Aunt 'Vicky' was coming over we joked how at some point during the visit, she'd run her finger across the top of the door frame to check for dust. Never failed to disappoint either and she did it in everybody's house but her own.
The difference if there really is one, is that all of us sort of know Schifter in our own peculiar way and there's this sense of immediacy about the events and the jokes. So, Harmon, when you go to that store and ask for a good cut of meat pay attention or that butcher will Schifter you.