DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
If everyone had stayed silent

and by that I mean that people weren't posting about the raffles (that includes me too) and all the other things and whatever communication that took place was by phone or email, does anyone think that,

a) VA321 would be a healthier entity today?
b) VA321 would have introduced new products by now?
c) Raffle shortfalls would have started to be addressed?
d) Business and personal loans made to MLS would have been managed to be addressed somehow even if slowly?
e) All the other things would have managed to be addressed?

It's like when MLS used to talk about how he's going to sell product and do things quietly without fanfare in those threads at VA321 that got deleted. Do you think he would've made good somehow?

Me, I don't think he would've made good on a damned thing if people stayed quiet. I can't see him having a real moment of conscience where he looks to rebuild relationships and for that matter rebuild his character. He'd just chalk it up to that Teflon coat doing its magic one more time. Do you think he'd do something like put his house up for sale, take the profits (assuming there are some) and disburse it to the intended recipients of the raffles and move to either a smaller place or rent? The only thing he's sorry about is that now people know him (well most do) for what he always has been and whatever the word is, it ain't pretty.


and by that I mean that people weren't posting about the raffles (that includes me too) and all the other things and whatever communication that took place was by phone or email, does anyone think that,

a) VA321 would be a healthier entity today?
b) VA321 would have introduced new products by now?
c) Raffle shortfalls would have started to be addressed?
d) Business and personal loans made to MLS would have been managed to be addressed somehow even if slowly?
e) All the other things would have managed to be addressed?

It's like when MLS used to talk about how he's going to sell product and do things quietly without fanfare in those threads at VA321 that got deleted. Do you think he would've made good somehow?

Me, I don't think he would've made good on a damned thing if people stayed quiet. I can't see him having a real moment of conscience where he looks to rebuild relationships and for that matter rebuild his character. He'd just chalk it up to that Teflon coat doing its magic one more time. Do you think he'd do something like put his house up for sale, take the profits (assuming there are some) and disburse it to the intended recipients of the raffles and move to either a smaller place or rent? The only thing he's sorry about is that now people know him (well most do) for what he always has been and whatever the word is, it ain't pretty.
If you guys stayed quiet, more people would be getting screwed than the are now. I'm staying pretty firm on my decision not to buy new products from AV123.

On the bright side, Mark did send me my replacement spike which worked.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
The reason you got your spike from Mark is because Curtis & I simultaneously, from the east coast and the west, both took a set of Mardis Gras beads, the book Exorcism for Dummies - Asian Edition and at the hour of 12 midnight EST faced each other. We then held our bottles of Captain Morgan, each raising a leg, and intoned, "The power of Saul Marantz compels you."
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
Jed, did MLS ever do right by you getting that sub repaired? And you shouldn't have felt guilty paying less than list price. Take the list price and divide by 5 to get an approximate price of what it cost to build them. Sure there are operating expenses and all but MLS was never really passing the savings on to the customer by cutting out the middleman. In fact, in some dealings, he was the middleman like buying stuff himself, selling it to 123 at a profit, then making another profit once it was sold. The guy burned through money faster than a NYC hooker burned through tricks duing a NYC blackout.
Yeah, I did get the sub repaired last winter but I really had to put some pressure on them to finally fix it. The problem is is when it breaks again they will replace it with a half as powerful PE amp.

As far as not feeling bad about paying less than retail at a charity auction, I would say as long as it wasn't an "MLS charity auction" I would disagree. If an auction is a private sale, let the best price win, but if its a charitable auction, IMO, the point is to raise the most amount of money for the intended recipient, not to get the best price for yourself. Now, knowing what I know now about Mark, I wouldn't have cared about "giving" extra since it was effectively a private sale but even further I wouldn't have donated a cent to that thief nor wasted a moment of my life supporting his company.


Full Audioholic
If an auction is a private sale, let the best price win, but if its a charitable auction, IMO, the point is to raise the most amount of money for the intended recipient, not to get the best price for yourself. Now, knowing what I know now about Mark, I wouldn't have cared about "giving" extra since it was effectively a private sale but even further I wouldn't have donated a cent to that thief nor wasted a moment of my life supporting his company.
My parents were at a charity auction for a local museum last fall and were hoping to get a particular piece (a forged iron tube of paint with some paint coming out), but they quickly realized the other bidder was going to go higher than the $200 they were willing to spend. Dad still bid it up to around $300 before he gave up, knowing that the other bidder would stay in the running and the museum would get more money from it.
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
Too funny...I love Captain and Coke.
I like captain and seven a little better, less syrupy.
I've always been a fan of Mount Gay or Pussers. Although it sounds trendy and a cop out, Tommy Bahama may honestly be the best dark rum going right now. Its a bit pricey, but still a really good value. Next to audio, Rum is one of my other favorite topics. :cool:


Full Audioholic
I've always been a fan of Mount Gay or Pussers. Although it sounds trendy and a cop out, Tommy Bahama may honestly be the best dark rum going right now. Its a bit pricey, but still a really good value. Next to audio, Rum is one of my other favorite topics. :cool:
Are those spiced rums or dark rums? I don't recall seeing them in the spiced rum section and I don't drink much dark rum. Rum is practically all I drink (don't drink beer, I'll occasionally have some tequila), but pretty much just spiced rum (usually Captain or Sailor Jerry) and pepsi/7-up, or white rum in mojitos or with pepsi.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Rum hasn't been the same since Joe Kennedy got out of the business :(
Jed M

Jed M

Full Audioholic
Are those spiced rums or dark rums? I don't recall seeing them in the spiced rum section and I don't drink much dark rum. Rum is practically all I drink (don't drink beer, I'll occasionally have some tequila), but pretty much just spiced rum (usually Captain or Sailor Jerry) and pepsi/7-up, or white rum in mojitos or with pepsi.
They are both brown. I like spiced, but I prefer the buttery flavor of a nice brown rum. I even prefer brown rum for mixing instead of white.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
All this rum talk is fine and good

but many people have found this to be a most interesting beverage with long lingering effects. Salud!




On the bright side...I just picked up a used pair of gorgeous Strata Minis! My speaker journey ends here I'm afraid however my equipment journey has now begun.


Full Audioholic

On the bright side...I just picked up a used pair of gorgeous Strata Minis! My speaker journey ends here I'm afraid however my equipment journey has now begun.
sounds like you were shopping in ser-iously's used equipment mart...

he is a guy you can totally trust when buying av123 gear

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Remember this post from several months back?

I'd post a link but alas the thread has gone, deleted some time ago.
Good Afternoon...

I have had to remain very quiet with respect to this thread and the general tone and tenor of some of comments made here...

Some might be wondering why - and the simple truth is this... I've turned over a TON of data to my Attorney with respect to this and other matters. I've been asked to be quiet and I've tried very hard to do so.

I know a lot of you have questions - and they will be answered... I also know that I am being targeted (some might say hunted) by several individuals all in the name of the truth - when in fact for a few of these folks the truth has little to do with what they are slinging, saying or otherwise putting forth. They are out to hurt me - hurt av123, and the latter I won't stand for...

Kyle knows a TON about this - and he feels pretty badly about some of the stuff being said because he knows the "inside story" about who these folks are... I'm going to have my say - but I'm going to do it in a proper and concise manner - leaving my talking to those better and more powerful than I.

Notwithstanding all of this - I made some very poor decisions that I now have to live with. I've spoken openly of this - and I hope that you'll all understand that until my Attorneys are done with their end of the matter - I simply cannot offer a bunch more... Maybe some of you won't understand this - and you might want simply to "move for more" from me at this moment... That's not going to happen - but count on this - I WILL have my say once I am allowed to... I owe that to all of you - to myself and the people close to me...

I apologize for the "quiet behaviour" - but that's the way it has to be... The fact finding that has been going on amazes me - and I'm sure that one day very soon those on the other side are going to find out how uncomfortable this kind of daily scrutiny can make ones life... I'm living it...

I've had a very rough day here - family members ill and injured - and I'm probably not nearly as diplomatic as I would like to be (or heard)... I'm aching and I'm tired...

Trust this - more will be said - and this time I (or those more powerful and more able) will be doing the talking... While I look forward to that moment and letting the cat out of the bag on many subjects - for now count me as simply unable to go further or watch others go further in my defense... This is still a business that is working hard to do the correct thing every day in all kinds of areas... and that will continue... Those thinking that I'm closing this out of censorship are purely and completely wrong - I'm closing this because I would like those near me to simply be able to do their tasks without distraction or delay... and frankly, this well engineered thread has surely served it's intended purpose...

Like I've said... more will surely be shared later - but only after my advisers, etc. have their say in their areas of interest.

Thank You...

Mark L. Schifter


Full Audioholic
I'd post a link but alas the thread has gone, deleted some time ago.
Wow, that sounds like Mark was related to OJ-teams of attorneys getting to the truth.....if it don't fit, you have to acquit.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I also see parallels with Nixon & Clinton (see, I nailed both political parties!) where they put forth the thought that there were people out to get them. Paranoia. I'd just like him to start paying off on the raffles and making good on everything else. You hear this Mark? Take the money from the estate settlement and start settling already!!! Once you do, you just might find that your site which has 10,000 or so members won't just have a dozen or so talking.
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