I had a great day yesterday having a burger and fries with The Rickster we got together to shoot the sh!t and it was awesome, we met at an upscale burger joint , maybe they offered much more but we only had the burgers, I did notice that there was a private cigar club inside the place and there was also fine dining, Italian no less, but we opted for the bar and a burger, hey I'm easy going and it was only lunch, the place offered a very nice selection of their own brew made on the premises and boy it was tasty the bartender kinda rocked too she was built like a, umm she was built nice, mid twenties long dark, I guess that's another story as well. Rick helped me out by handing off the Polks that Walter was kind enough to give me, the speakers need some attention but all of the drivers look like they are in really good shape so it is a project for the winter months that I'll talk about later. Rick is an upstanding guy and shows a lot of interest for us local guys to get together, kinda like a NE get together could be a lot of fun, I thought that maybe a baseball game in the spring or something like that, matching caps and all, lol. Whatever we can plan to get together would be great. I am glad I went through with the meeting and all as I could tell that Rick was a genuine good person through our pm and I was met by exactly that a first class gent all around, I will attend one of his BBQ this new year coming and hope that more of you guys can make it as well, I know we would have an excellent time.
Rick, thanks for the afternoon and thanks for your help with the Polks , I really do appreciate all that you have done to get those to me, as for lunch, heck we don't have to wait until next year to get together again so lets keep in touch maybe we can meet up again in the near future.
AH bringing people together everywhere.