I'm with Strongbad, P.S, Walter, I love you too ! I would love to come and now I see others would too ! I think at this point we should see about some other interests and really make our mini GTG a reality heck maybe it would surpass mini and actually turn out to be the real deal, I believe I could persuade a wonderful guy that operates within close proximity to the Catskills to attend He is an authorized seller of most major audio/video electronics, I just purchased my Pioneer 500M panel from him and he is a very good person that is as down to earth as anyone you will ever meet.
We can't just talk about it we need to do it I could contact a few Dealers that I know but my planning skills are not the best, just ask my first wife, lol.
Heck according to her I couldn't plan lunch, but I guess this thread shoots that notion down, This almost feels Woodstock like, woo hooo, let's do it !!