At that point its bye bye plasma.
Oh yeah, duh, vertically arrayed speaker.
Hm. My first idea is to place the center upright on that stand/pedestal. Then, however you might do it, raise the mains to the same height, perhaps flipped upside down if it sounds better with the tweeter at the same position as it is now.
You drop the screen bottom below the bottom of the speakers. Hey, Midnight will approve!
My first question is if the border material on a pulldown AT is transparent? I never really thought about it before, but I assume it should* be on a pulldown (but I guess you're now thinking fixed frame . . .) Then outside of aesthetic issues (in case the mains straddle the border), you can choose the exact screen size you want.
IF* the border is not AT for whatever reason, which is what I guess it's sounding like, juggling starts. If mains are completely covered, while in original "footprint" locations, I think CIH might be pretty cool here. However, I'm not really sure because I don't know what size screen it takes to cover the mains at the present positioning.
What is the distance to screen from front row right now?
Back row to screen?
How large is the Stewart?
Ideally, you are thinking 130" you say?
*How wide must be the screen be to completely cover all mains, in your comfortable estimation?
*You are willing to scoot the mains outward if the above will simply be too large, in order to make a compromise towards larger screen, and if so by how many inches?
If CIH, and you don't want to spend a small fortune with spending so much on quality glass, sled, and so forth, the Pana 4000 would be of interest I think. Sure, you will give up some PQ. But you will gain too, *maybe* even more than you lost (have to ask around more) if only due to significantly increased brightness on a supersized screen. If the screen covers all speakers in their entirety, then have the false wall be covered in black, so that the "black bars" are completely invisible when the zoom is engaged on the Pana.
Or just get a Sim2 with ISCO III and be done with it

I'm kiddking, I'm kidding.
Now that there's a thread on the Epson 8500, maybe that one actually for even a greater increase in brightness.
Well, I'm glad you change your mind often, because otherwise we'd have nothing to talk about

I'm the same way, I go back and forth all the time on ideas.
I just live vicariously through you guys. J/K
I'll snap some pictures of the lighting this week.
Thanks man.
If your just using it as a preview or tuning display, why not have a smaller LCD on the wall or hidden behind a door in the front wall, or even on that 45-degree bit that is off to the left of the screen. A small, thin LCD there could act as a display for tuning/EQ/tinkering, previewing material, appleTV album art, or so forth. Plus I think your equipment is in a closet behind that wall, right? So power and HDMI could be run easily to a LCD on there.
Of course, you could always tear that closet out, and make that closet part of the room... hence a bigger front wall.

I mean, as long as they are there anyways

I worry about the reflective nature of a flat panel with a PJ's light. I will only concur with this idea if it is behind a door, or is covered. Edit: btw Midnight, if you ever consider AT if only to lower the screen, IIRC you sit rather close, and this could be an issue with an AT screen, visually AFAIK. You have to research that some more, just a heads up.
I like the versatility the plasma gives me. I can watch a game or a concert and not be forced to sit in a darkened room. I know that projection technology will solve this problem eventually but for now, I really like having both displays.
Tear out the closet and expand the front wall ... hummm
It will NOT be as good as a plasma for the purpose, but if the reasoning is not so much bulb costs at all, but higher ambient lighting, AND you do not end up going with AT, you might consider the Dalite High Power as a pulldown. They're dirt cheap. Pull it down in front of the Stewart when there is higher ambient lighting. However, to maximize this tech, the PJ will need to come down as much as comfortably possible, and I do not know if the glossy black of the JVC will distract the rear row viewing to great extent.