I love the darker pics, they make it look very classy.
Hey, just to satisfy my curiosity, how big of a 2.35 screen do you think you can fit w/o the need for AT? I see that you also have some extra "black drop" on the screen, hmm I suppose that's there to make viewing more comfortable . . .
Hmm, come to think of it, I am revisiting my idea of a pulldown Dalite High Power, but in 2.35 (or did I already think of that, I'm confused). My guess is approximately $450 for that rough size.
It might be a serious PITA, but then you can simply use the zoom method, while keeping your wallet happy and having a bigger pic half of the time.
Or just get a new Stewart screen, albeit at greater cost.
Or, yeah, the AT. Ok, I guess I better shuddup now.
Too late, I'm gonna open my trap again... If the zoom method really doesn't bother you in the slightest, you can do that dual screen thing I mentioned. Have the Dalite fall in front of the Stewart, or behind it for that matter. It should work much better with higher ambient light conditions as well. Maybe something like this (HP falling over the Silverstar):
Ok, NOW I'll shuddup.