I would really be curious to see posts of people who have contacted their credit card company or taken legal steps. It would make this a lot less "he said, she said," and return it to the world of facts where it belongs. I am not a lawyer, but some of the more ad hominem posts would probably qualify as libel should Mark ever decide to take action. I would be upset if I was owed money too, but again, would really love to see someone post: "I ordered X on date Y, it did not arrive, I called my credit card company and disputed the charge on date Z, ..." You just have to keep a cool head, keep things in writing (hard copy letters with certified mail), specify deadlines for racheting up action, and so on. Insulting people on the Internet is really unproductive, unfair, and weakens any eventual case you may have, because it could be used to demonstrate that you are unreasonable, have a personal issue, etc. This applies to any dispute you may have in life. I terrorize hospitals, doctors, vendors who screw with me, and keep meticulous electronic records of everything. I have never lost. Not to sound arrogant, but the "adult" way is boring, slow, but very effective.