You forgot Chu about MFW-15 subwoofers not coming with an owners manual and some owners of this sub having to take out the amp of their brand new subwoofer to re-route the wires to eliminate hum caused by a design flaw. Many customers had subs delivered that still had to do this well after this problem was known.
Well, to list all the issues would sound like bashing the company

But you're right, while some customers have received acceptable product, taking a global picture of AV123 shows a company where quality was only a word and not something actively sought.
interesting, thanks for the information, still we're talking about issues easily raised with credit card companies (refunds, non-received merchandise), dept. of consumer affairs (defective items, raffle(s?)) if acted upon promptly. re. investors, as far as i know, if you invest money in an enterprise you are rarely guaranteed a return. i lost a ton in investments in 2003, but don't think i can go after the CEOs. i don't know what agreement there was, but losing money on an investment isn't a crime.
You're 100% right. In retrospect there's going to be a lot of people who are kicking themselves in the buttocks for not acting promptly. In order to man-up, they'll have to take full responsibility for not doing the things which you and for that matter, others, have suggested.
With respect to investments that you're thinking of, the ones having to do with MLS aren't on the same par. They bear more resemblance to words like con-jobs, swindles, misrepresentation and stuff like that. IMO.
so, you're painting a picture of a cult audio guru, whom people worshipped so much, they let him swindle them. maybe i don't understand the phenomenon, but we're just talking audio equipment here, which i realize too many people take too seriously, but it is still hard for me to fathom people waiting so long that they lost their recourse to the mechanisms i outlined above. i don't dispute any of this, since i don't have the facts one way or another, and if people were screwed i wish them the very best of luck getting their money back, but you have to question the consumer judgement of folks. backing off because someone on a forum took you to task?
I know you really don't want to wade through all the posts and threads either on this forum, AV123's, or others. It's like having to fast forward through General Hospital from its inception. You'd still be clicking the remote. But yes, a cult audio guru is a reasonable representation and it wasn't just bolstered by what went on at AV123, the audio press because of their lack of diligence, fostered this. He had a great supporting cast that echoed the virtues of Mark Schifter and knowingly or unknowingly spread lies and misinformation. A supporting cast that includes places like AffordableAudio, 6Moons, PositiveFeedback, EnjoyTheMusic, Stereophile and others. Associations with people who lend credibility to the persona like Arnie Nudell (ex of Genesis), Paul McGowan (head of PS Audio), Jason Serinus (reviewer), Wally Liederman (of Underwood Wally), Bascom King (reviewer and electronics dabbler). But this is not unknown in the annals of human history. Madoff and Jim Jones come to mind. Most who've spoken with MLS, and that includes you, find him a very warm and engaging personality. But the mark of any good con hinges on telling some indisputable truths. Things that cannot be denied. That's the hook. Then it's just a matter of stretching it. Enough will stay tethered even when as you note, it just doesn't make any sense.
re. banning comments on the av123 forum, regrettable, yes, illegal no, unethical maybe, but who cares? if people had used the proper mechanisms in a timely manner, who would have needed a forum.
If you visit their forum, you'll find that some sites are read only.
In the past comments relating to product, refunds, and all that I've listed earlier and more were handled there. Since they've taken a jack-boot approach, issues that were normally handled there have spilled over elsewhere. As gonk has said on numerous occasions, the mess is no longer confined to his house. It's gone postal.
maybe the moral of this apparently sad story is don't take audio products or their makers and forum comments too seriously.
I couldn't agree more. Despite the lessons, and there are many, that can be learned from AV123, people still have very protective and rationalized associations with numerous companies. Emotiva users are fairly protective over what they see as their company. They've publicly rationalized product failures, inconsistencies, vaporware, and what not. That's not to say Emotiva is equivalent to AV123. But Oprah's got a broad base of fans who protect the Oprah brand. So do Democrats and Republicans.
hope this one day gets resolved, and for the others getting a little cranky with me for not toeing the party line on this, i've never been too good at doing that, and always gauge situations on their merit and not what the majority says is the case.
Me too and quickly because a clock is ticking and if people don't get pro-active right away they're going to be on this long list of folks that are going to have to eat it raw. I appreciate your skepticism. You should make up your own mind and not rely upon what I or other individuals have posted here. In order to do that though is going to mean you're going to have to read a lot of posts and not everyone is into a 30 year soap opera.
i really do hope people are able to resolve their issues, and remember "caveat emptor."
From your lips to God's ears.