Bass shakers are for filling out the bottom octave, much of which is percieved as vibration. If you ran your speakers large and they go low enough, you could get away with this setup without a sub, though the setup and wiring is similar to a sub.
For behind the couch, you would still be blocking the sub in some way, so you will lose some of the sound. Depending on whether or not your couch is flat or angled at the back, you could pretty much come up with anything that fits back there.
I don't think I need a bass shaker then.
I suppose I should amplify my requirements a bit. This is a 2.1 system and I have bookshelf speakers and a subwoofer. They are supplied from a 2 -channel integrated amp - no crossover.
I'd like to do a DIY sub to replace the present model. The justification that passed WAF was making a sub that would "disappear". My original idea was to go with an in-wall design, similar to the one in Annunaki's thread. Then, I thought about going in-ceiling instead. I really like the concept of the infinite baffle, but I don't want to annoy my neighbours with bass thumping from my attic. I suppose I could drag my sub up into the attic and see how loud it is, but I'm not sure it'll fit through ceiling hatch.
Then, I thought of the extra work required to install it in a wall/ceiling.
That is what prompted my inquiries about a sub to fit under my couch. But, when I measured the space, I figured that it was too low to accept
any design.
I'm now wondering about a design to fit behind the couch. Maybe a trapezoid shape, with 2 down-firing 8" drivers (or 4 x 6 inchers?). The angle of the back may allow the sub to be wider on the bottom, tapering towards the top. I'll have to take some measurements to see what the maximum space would be, behind the couch. I won't be able to drag it out too far, as it'll strain the WAF. I'll post the measurements of that space later.
I repeat, this is for music only! I do not need to shake the foundation! If it has a nice flat FR down to 28 - 30Hz, low distortion and good output, that's what I want. I want accuracy. I do not want the thumping that I hear from some cars these days!
If I can't find a design that meets those parameters and can go behind my couch, it's back to the in-wall/in-ceiling route. Oh, and I want to build it myself. The budget is $500-$600.
Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep 'em coming!