If your number one concern is picture quality, then the KRP-600M is definitely at the very top of the competition.
After that, it would be a fight between the PDP-6020FD and the Panasonic V10. The Panasonic V10 has advantages, such as more accurate colour. But the PDP-6020FD has the less reflective screen surface and better black level retention in a lit room.
For YOUR room, I would give the nod to the PDP-6020FD because of the bright lighting. In a dim room, I might favour the V10 over the PDP-6020FD, so I can see how people would say that. But in YOUR room, getting good performance in fairly high ambient light means that the better screen surface of the Pioneer really comes into full effect.
The LED edge-lit Samsung LCDs (like the 55B8000 that you mentioned or the B6000 and B7000 series) are just plain not good, IMO. They have uneven illumination across the screen. They have TERRIBLE off-axis viewing. And their screen is like a glossy mirror. There is absolutely nothing about them that makes them a good choice for your room. And if picture quality is your number one concern? RUN! The edge-lit LCDs are NOT for you
The LGs - I'm not as familiar with. But plain and simple, if picture quality is your number one concern, no LCD can match the Pioneer Kuro plasmas. LED Edge-lit LCDs all have problems with uneven illumination and really bad off-axis viewing. Local-dimming LED LCDs are better, but I have yet to see a single one that does not suffer from "blooming" - where a bright object on a black background has a "halo" of light around it. I've also yet to see any LED backlit LCD of any type that has good off-axis viewing. And the incredibly glossy screens - just a travesty! I guess they want it to appeal to vain women who just want to use it as a mirror
How much savings are we talking about here if you buy the PDP-6020FD rather than the KRP-600M + table stand or articulating wall-mount?
If picture quality in the number one concern, the KRP-600M is what you should buy. The PRO-141FD or PRO-151FD would be equally good choices, but they are both more expensive, so the KRP-600M becomes the absolute top choice.
I'm seeing the KRP-600M from BestBuyPCS for about $3000 and then I know from speaking with them that it'll be about $200 for shipping. The
official KRP-TS01 stand would set you back about $430 if you buy it from Pioneer and include shipping. So $3630 altogether for that route.
Peerless SA770PU articulating wall mount can work with the KRP-600M with no adapter plate needed. Several reputable online vendors are showing prices of around $400 shipped. Check a google product search of Buy.com for options.
Total cost is still similar - around $3600
Now, if we compare that to the PDP-6020FD, I'm not seeing prices that are much - if any - lower. Most reputable online vendors are selling the PDP-6020FD for more than $3600 shipped, so I really think the KRP-600M is still a very viable option - even with the cost of the stand or an articulated wall mount included!
Another option to get the price lower is to look for alternative table-top stands. The PDK-1015 is confirmed to fit perfectly with no modifications and frequently shows up for sale on eBay for under $100. The PDK-TS30, PDK-TS30A and PDK-TS35A should also work, but I haven't seen them for sale anywhere.
A final option for the KRP-600M would be to actually build out the wall behind the monitor so that you could use a less expensive flat or tilt wall-mount. Several compatible flat and tilt wall-mounts are available for under $100, so if you can build out the wall so that the monitor will be far enough forward, that could work as well
I'm making all of these suggestions because you've made it clear that picture quality is concern number one, that bright lighting conditions are concern number two and that keeping the cost reasonably low is concern number three. That being the case, there really just is no better choice than the KRP-600M. I'm honestly not seeing the PDP-6020FD for any cheaper. Perhaps I'm missing some buying option, but other than scam sites, all the prices are at least around the $3600 mark which is the same or higher than the cost of a KRP-600M plus a wall mount or stand. If you can snag the PDK-1015 stand, it'll definitely be cheaper to go with the KRP-600M, so try to track down one of those for sure and give BestBuyPCS a phone call to grab the KRP-600M!