I somewhat disagree that ID companies are mostly one guy. Axiom has nobody, Emotiva neither, SVS again, no one, Outlaw I knew but never heard of Peter, for Ascend, DaveF is very behind the scenes and has a very limited role in promotion, AH and Gene, sorry to say, but I had never heard of Gene, Salk, well for a long time he was selling his services, but the brand and products now seem to take a more forward role in promotion. But mostly it's simply the brand... When I purchased Ascends a couple years ago, I was clearly purchasing from the company Ascend, DaveF was pretty unknown to me and didn't really factor into the equation...
Surely, no other ID persona I know of comes close to the level of Schifter's. Peddling his wares everywhere he could, always hyping his products, always so ready to 'help' (sell) with his products, the cheesy 'Santa' sales and his whole comical act, he's like the McDonald clown everybody has come to know. He really took it to a whole new level. And it seemed to have worked very well, look at the cult following he lead for a couple of years... It was actually frightening. Yeah sure, seems it turned down many, but look at the fanatical following he was able gather. The Raffles were most probably part of the charade, hey, it looked good, probably helped many decide to buy from them because it made them feel safer and maybe even like they were buying from a charity. And that's what he pushed too, the whole 'family' crap...
I hate to say it, but most people seemed to buy it.
Wow... A brazillion posts before I posted this... I need to learn to type faster... (Reference: Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president(Dubya Bush) his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.". "OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!". His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands. Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?")