Cool man, my deepest respect.
Just the response I was hoping to avoid
1. Nowhere did I mention headphones
2.No offence taken but do you have a Z7 as you do not seem to know that it does indeed have a have a Manual test tone which is what my question relates to.
3. you mention using the lock up feature there is no reference to that in the manual unless the US model is different to the UK Model
wow never considered reading the manual , hope you dont mind me saying and considering this is my first post and stand the chance of being banned I have read I lot of your posts and found them to be very patronising to the questions being asked we can not all be as knowledgeble, about everything like you, but Hey maybe I am just too stupid to own a Yamaha
And yes I do own one why else would I be here DOH
LOL, Lesmor, good response to my DOH post.
I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to be such a fart.
1. About headphones, I absolutely didn't know, as you seem to be referring to one of the last post, and they were all about headphones!
2. And I was just kidding as for you having the RX-Z7 in your true possession, duh. You'll never asked a question or more in it's own thread, about it, if you did not have it in the first place (unless you were considering the purchase of one).
And NO, I don't have an RX-Z7, but I know a thing or two about it.

It is my passion to know about all receivers, and this for a very long time.
* Sorry about the Test tones (Automatic or Manual), but I really believe that all receivers do have a Manual Test tone, duh.
As for lock in to a certain channel, many receivers do, but some don't.
And as far as I know from the Z7, I just don't know. But I'm positively certain that it does, and that it will be mentioned in your UK instruction's manual from your Z7. (I hope it's not a trick question

3. The Lock In feature should be available in your RX-Z7, this I'm positively certain (UK model or North American model).
It should be in the Advanced Features section, or something similar, "Lock Up Settings", or similar.
*** Come on now, you, banned! For what? Just for asking some honest and simple questions about a Yamaha receiver? Don't be so silly now. LOL.
Or is it because you did not read your manual in the first place.

Ya right, we are working for the Police of manual reading!!! LOL.
The word "patronising" is cut out from my dictionary, so it does not exist anymore for me.
And again, don't be so silly, I don't know everything. But I do try though.
And I own several Yamaha audio components, and for many years too. My Yammy RX-V2092 A/V Receiver, I owned since 1997, and I still use it. Also my Yamaha CDR-S1000, CD Recorder, I owned for several years, but it did broke down on me about last year. Those god dam CD-R transports, they are a pain in the butt to maintain properly. I did everything, but I finally give up on it. Piss me off. Needs a new transport, just to costly, so I use my computer now, but it is not the same as my lovely deceased CDR-S1000.
So if you are really that stupid, I must be the Lord of stupidity.
And of course you do own one (RX-Z7), but I don't.
After all, I might be the one, that would end up being banned.
* Note: They don't have good audio forums in the UK?
I do post on few of the better ones, like AVForums.
Cheers and best regards to you Lesmor,
P.S. Hey man, do respond, and ask your questions, you shall receive the answers. If not from me, certainly from a more knowledgeable person here at Audioholics.