Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Well, I need to get up in four hours, so I'll chat with you all later.

Have a great night!


Audioholic Samurai
You guys move too quick!!!! I go to bed, wake up, and there are 10 pages! haha

I'm curious what happens if you skip ADD meds. Do you jones for speed or sleep a lot? Lots of people say I ain't right but eff them. :eek: :D I love having the luxury of randomly doing stuff. Staying on task is for work. I save that for when I'm getting paid.
Both res6jya6 and I take the same thing (amphetamine salts is the generic Adderall) and about the same dose, but I have ADD and I think he said he has ADHD. For me, I'm tired, lithargic, indifferent, unfocused. For someone with ADHD its a bit different, the stimulants help them settle down (the opposite of what you would expect). For both ADD and ADHD, it helps us focus.

If I skip I don't jones for speed or have any withdrawls, we aren't taking that kind of dose. I have no euphoria, nothing to make me jones or crave for more. Some people do get addicted, and then they take speed-like doses, but at 30-35mg a day, it just doesn't do that. If you don't have AD(H)D, then if you take it you'll feel speedy, but if you do, you'll just feel like everyone else. On a normal dose, you still get distracted, you just get distracted like everyone else rather than CONSTANTLY, or focusing on one thing so much you forget the rest (like without my adderall if I hyperfocus and search for something I'll search like 30 pages of google before trying something else, whereas on it I'll get to like 3 and stay focused on the task rather than the "mini-task" if that makes sense).

Amphetamine salts (Adderall) ... and dexie (can't spell it), etc. are a class II drug, because it is basically meth and in the same family as cocaine. So they have to regulate it well and people do unfortunetly abuse it, and it makes the drug looked down upon.

My girlfriend took some of my adderall to study a few times. You could see how it affected her different than me. I'm normal on it, she studied for like 8 hours, ate nothing, sweated, etc. For her it was speed because her body didn't need it. She took it without asking me, I wouldn't have given it to her or anyone.

By using "chilled tunes" so many months ago, you helped me win an argument about the usage of the word "chill" in reference to music.
Thanks :D
Haha, no problem man. I use chill to describe music all the time. Anything downtempo or half time.
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Audioholic Samurai
My son called to tell me he bought a 1966 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors. From the pics he sent, it looks pretty sweet.
Is that the car from Entourage? I can't believe you have a son. I thought we were all twenty-nothings/thirty-somethings around here. At least we all act like it. Maybe more towards the 20's than the 30's.

Close.. its Alex laying in a tub full of Rick and Dave....
Better than laying in a tub full of **** at a rave.

You guys move too quick!!!! I go to bed, wake up, and there are 10 pages! haha
No kidding. Some of us need 9 hours sleep. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Yeah, its so quiet at my office now and I'm kinda stuck on a design that I can't get to look the way I want within the design parameters I need. :/
You need some alcohol to free your inhibitions and perfect your design. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Is that the car from Entourage?
Yup, but the car from Entourage is a convertible and in really, really nice shape. My kid bought the sedan.

I can't believe you have a son. I thought we were all twenty-nothings/thirty-somethings around here. At least we all act like it. Maybe more towards the 20's than the 30's.
Make room for the forty-somethings. Both my kids are in their 20's. I don't mind being old but sometimes I feel old...physically. Mentally, I'm about the same as when I was sixteen. A good fart joke will always make me laugh.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
She took it without asking me, I wouldn't have given it to her or anyone.
It's good to clear that up. Otherwise it's trafficking narcotics. :eek: ;)

I've read stuff about ADD before and could relate but I like hyper focusing and I like the mental drift. The only way I ever get anything done that I don't enjoy is by the aggressive pursuit of a goal.

I should probably aggressively pursue the balancing of our check book and bill paying.
Stay out of my way. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
I hear you there. Nothing better than a little bathroom humor. Haha!


Audioholic Samurai
Dear Adam,

I hope you find that my changes to my avatar are satisfactory.




Audioholic Ninja
I'm never sure which Adam you're talking too, although I assume its him... But I find it very satisfactory....

Hey, Dave.. pull my finger


Audioholic Slumlord
Dear Adam,

I hope you find that my changes to my avatar are satisfactory.


Is that still Marisa Miller? I had never heard of her before I 'met' you. But boy am I ever aware of her now. Whenever I click on 'new posts' and see that you have posted somewhere, I rush right over. You should choose a nice monkey motif and call it good. The hot chick avatar rattles my cage a little. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
For Dave

One day a lady went into a fishing shop to buy her husband a fishing pole for his birthday.

She picked up a really nice looking pole and asked the salesman how much it was. The sales man says, "I am blind but if you give me the pole I can tell how much it is by the weight."

So the lady gives him the pole and he says, "That pole is worth $45." She was amazed at how cheap that was.

So then she picked up another really nice pole, hands it to the man and he says, "This pole is worth $55." she decided that was also really cheap.

And then she picks the nicest looking pole in the place and handed it to the man and he says, "This pole is our best and it is $70." she told him that she would take it.

As she was getting the fishing pole all rung up, she had to fart really really badly. She decided since the man was blind that it really wouldn't matter if she farted in front of him so she just let it loose.

All of a sudden the man says, "It all comes up to $80."

Confused the lady says to him, "But you said the fishing pole was only $70."

He said, "It is. Its $70 for the fishing pole and $10 for the duck call."


Audioholic Samurai
Is that still Marisa Miller? I had never heard of her before I 'met' you. But boy am I ever aware of her now. Whenever I click on 'new posts' and see that you have posted somewhere, I rush right over. You should choose a nice monkey motif and call it good. The hot chick avatar rattles my cage a little. :rolleyes:
Indeed it is Marisa. Sorry (if only slightly) to rattle your monkey cage.


Audioholic Slumlord
For the record, the last time I stayed in Cleveland, we found a hash pipe under the bed of our hotel room. This hotel had the desk clerk behind thick bullet proof glass and the hotel bar was actually a strip club.:D
I bet you had to reserve that way in advance. :)
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