It was an observation. Takes 3 secs to find out, and I just did.
I wasn't. But, I repeated the quick search on a few members here, for the first time for anybody here. The prolific nature of some just had me wondering. I can find political forums for anyone who doesn't know they exist.
Oh. The one that I remember is this one:
oh ok. Otherwise, they would seem very confrontational. Wait, even as rhetorical, I might see it in the same light. Perhaps you think I am again being a bit obtuse.
I sometimes feel like I am force fed. Since you are underwhelmed with AV, why do you care to post your politics at an AV forum?
Fair enough.
I'll answer in reverse order...
I am underwhelmed lately. I see little new stuff that gets me excited. Is that bad? Also, I'm sure you have some ebb and flow to your interests? Are you suggesting I shouldn't be an active member of the forum because I'm little burnt out on HT stuff at this particular moment? If so, I didn't realize there was some sort of ratio of post subjects I needed to maintain. I reiterate why I post here... I like and respect the people here, Jost and have good conversation, debate, and gain insight. And I like the fact that people who have a shared passion for one thing can have completely opposite viewpoints and mindsets about other things. I don't understand how you feel force fed. You don't have to read let alone participate in any discussion you choose not to. I certainly don't. You don't have to either.
I don't think you're being obtuse. The opposite really. I made myself clear that it wasn't a personal thing or a liberal/convservative thing, but more of a question how one set of methods could be so different from another about something that I consider so important. It's an effort to gain an understanding... or perhaps even gain an angle that I have not yet considered, brought to light that I may not have thought of that completely changes my mind. It's less about judging, more about understanding. I feel strongly about what I deem to be right and wrong and I guess the challenge for others (and me) who feel just as strongly in an opposite ideal is to share the what's and why's and either fine common ground, gain that understanding, or at least leave disagreeing but gain respect for the opposing opinion. I can say that's happened a lot here. Guys like Darien and Nemo and I to name just a couple have had strong discussions and have been on complete opposite sides of the fence but, I have great respect for their ideals. I don't find that to be a bad thing.
Again, I guess I don't understand why you would care about what and where I post or my motivations. If you want to do the research that's fine, but I don't know what it's going to tell you that you can't get by just asking. I have been a bit burned out on HT lately. There's little stuff that I find really exciting right now and to me right now, it looks to be a sea of similarity and homogenous product. I have other interests too and have been trying to get back into some of my other hobbies so that has contributed to my lack of posting in the other areas. Politics and the economy, however, are things that literally affect me everyday through my profession and I'm one of those people who think what is said and done in Washington makes a difference. Everyday, the decisions that are made impact for better or worse me and my family's safety, freedom, financial wellbeing, my net worth, and many other aspects of my life so out of necessity it's something I keep in the forefront and am very active in. Even though I don't know any of you personally, I do sort of consider you guys friends... at least in the capacity we have and most of us have learned enough about each others personalities to get some small sense of who each of us are. So yeah, even if I don't want to talk about a 42 inch LCD it doesn't mean that I don't want to stop in and chat. You've been extremely helpful to me over the last year and I appreciate that. If you're not interested in other things that I like to talk about, that's absolutely okay. That's the neat part about this place - you can completely disagree or have zero interest in what someone has to say about life in general, but eventually at some point, we'll be talking about amps, speakers, or cables and have a common ground.