I wouldn't fault Monster Cable for selling an overpriced product any more than I would fault Ferrari or Porsche or Bentley.
The fact is, their products are so overpriced because they spend more money on litigation than actual development and marketing. If they were to focus more on their products and less on their copyright, or more so on the defense of one portion of their copyright, maybe Noel Lee would make 10% less money but his company would be respected rather than despised.
Kurt from BJC, for example, is not the world's richest man, but he sells us a good product with no snake oil and magical claims attached. That, to me, is the mark of a good businessman and a good person. For that reason, I do steer people towards BJC.
If Monster Products Inc. would simply focus on the products, the people, and the pricing, they would be a respected admirable company. Endorsements from musicians and movie producers who sell out to the corporate dollar do not an admirable company make.