I took him up on it
He said he would welcome email... Here's what I sent.
I just finished reading the article on Audioholics about how you feel the company is being so wrongly blamed for suiting for trademark infringement. What comes to mind, with all due respect to Shakespeare is "Thou doth protest too much". You certainly have every right to do what you are doing to the extent that you feel is necessary to protect your trademark, however what Monster Cable continues to do is just reckless and irresponsible.
Seriously, the three lawsuits or threats of legal action that I'm aware of off the top of my head include:
Monster Golf
Monster Transmission
Blue Jeans Cables
That's without doing any research whatsoever. I can't imagine what I would find if I actually looked it up.
Seriously - how exactly did Monster Golf or Transmission threaten the trademark of Monster Cable? Basically what I see you doing is using the money you make from your overpriced cables to squash people who are in no way related to your business in any way shape or form. How many employees would a Putt-Putt Golf course actually have? Five? Ten? Are they a chain of Monster Golf putt-putt courses that was somehow encroaching upon the cable business?
I doubt Monster Cable will ever be getting into Transmissions, or anyone would ever correlate the two.
And of course after you sent the lawyers after Blue Jeans... that provided some of the best entertainment about stupid and frivolous lawsuits I think I've ever read. The legal team assembling these attacks certainly didn't do their homework before submitting the cease and desist orders. I wonder why you backed off of that suit? Is it because you ran into someone that actually would come back after your company?
I'm a home theater enthusiast and just finished a major installation in my home, all without a single Monster Cable. Why? It's because of the litigious nature of Monster Cable and what I feel are extremely overpriced products. I make it no secret when I work with other people in speccing out A/V equipment that they should avoid Monster Cable because they are a very poor neighbor in the world of business and that I feel the products are overpriced.
Lastly, I stopped using Monster Cables long before the litigious nature starting coming to life because after purchasing several of your cables and finding them inferior, I just couldn't justify the expense. I had several cables that I purchased where the connectors would literally have cold solder joints, or such little solder to connect the wire to the cable that the cable would separate from the connector with little to no resistance. This just wasn't one cable, but several, purchased over several months.
Good luck with trying to defend Monster Cable, but until things change I will continue to be an advocate against your products.
Brian Garrett
"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon to Anakin, Star Wars Episode I