PB13-ULTRA Rosewood or Textured black ?



Audioholic Field Marshall
Im sure glad SVS dosent charge to visit there website or i'd be broke . I think i've been on 50 times in the last 4 days :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Yes, yes you did.
-lame picture that only shows up sometimes here-
I know someone has used that image before, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to use it again!
It would seem the above image only shows up sometimes. So that I don't look like a fool, here it is for all the time :)

EDIT: It would also seem that I fail at failing as well.
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Audioholic Spartan
I think i've been on 50 times in the last 4 days :D
Yet one little phone call could end your angst. "Hello, SVS. Please send me an oak Ultra." Or you can do like Mike C..."Hi, it's Mike. Send me two Ultras in every finish you have."


Audioholic Field Marshall
It would seem the above image only shows up sometimes. So that I don't look like a fool, here it is for all the time :)

EDIT: It would also seem that I fail at failing as well.
No worries lol here ya go I owed you one :p:D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Yet one little phone call could end your angst. "Hello, SVS. Please send me an oak Ultra." Or you can do like Mike C..."Hi, it's Mike. Send me two Ultras in every finish you have."
LOL I wish I could be like Mike C and say send me one of everything :D But unfortunately I think im going to have to settle for one In Rosenut ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Ok guys heres the game plan , im pretty sure im going with Rosenut . I feel pretty comfortable with this finish now because I think in the near future i'll be changing my coffee and end tables to a similar finish and I really like that rosenut and that way i'll still be keeping kitchen/dining area seperated and not have everything the same. Like someone told me before ...wright Dave :p anyway hopefully I wont change my mind before I place the order. Im hoping it should be within the next week or two once I have all my ducks or should I say penguins in a roll :p I've also desided to return my PB12nsd even though its a great sub but im greedy and want more, it would be really a waste to put it in my bedroom mini HT setup because I very rarely use it . So I'll probably just put it towards something else in my current system . So thats what the plan is as long as I dont change my mind on the finish but either way The ultra should be sitting in my house hopefully by the end of the month . Just picked up Master and Commander, BlackHawk down and Iron man in bluray that I decided not to open until I get my ultra, kind of a welcome to your new home house warming to Mr SVS PB13 Ultra :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Do you mean to tell me that we have to jack this thread for another 3-1/2 weeks. NO problemo.:cool:
LOL YES THE THREAD MUST GO ON :D or I could just say
I changed my mind and I just orded the textured black one, that could put a little wood in the fire and re-kindle things sorta speak for all the wood lovers :p;):D


Audioholic Field Marshall
LOL YES THE THREAD MUST GO ON :D or I could just say
I changed my mind and I just orded the textured black one, that could put a little wood in the fire and re-kindle things sorta speak :p;):D
Are you joking? You better be, or I am going to come beat your GreaseMonkey subwoofer with a ball-peen hammer! That's right, one of those hammers with the rounded tips! And I am going to hit the driver itself!

Actually no, I would never do that. But if you aren't joking about ordering the textured black one, you are going on the Audioholics Wall of Shame.


Audioholic Jedi
...or I could just say
I changed my mind and I just orded the textured black one...
I'd personally track you down and try to kick your a**. I say "try" because I would inevitably be unsuccessful and end up in a lot of pain, but it would be a moral victory. Textured black...please.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Are you joking? You better be, or I am going to come beat your GreaseMonkey subwoofer with a ball-peen hammer! That's right, one of those hammers with the rounded tips! And I am going to hit the driver itself!

Actually no, I would never do that. But if you aren't joking about ordering the textured black one, you are going on the Audioholics Wall of Shame.
OUCH :eek: :p Yes I was joking I was just calling out all the wood lovers and I knew you'd be first in line for the hanging :D but little did I know you would be armed with a ball-peen hammer too:p . I was actually just testing my fire starter kit whitch appears to work rather well :D Beware I do watch survivorman and man vs wild on a regular basis :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'd personally track you down and try to kick your a**. I say "try" because I would inevitably be unsuccessful and end up in a lot of pain, but it would be a moral victory. Textured black...please.

You'd have to catch me first im a pretty quick sprinter:p Adam all this time I thought you were on my side :( but I know you really would be after the smoke clears :D Oh Did I tell you I ordered 3 more movies from Amazon ..... NOTE to self that should get me some extra points : )

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