Private: In case of a loss of oxygen, please place your masks over your faces to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.
Kowalski: Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper.
Private: That's a number I can live with! Good landing, boys! Who says a penguin can't fly?
Mason: Work will not continue until we discuss our terms with management. Fist up, maternity leave.
Skipper: Maternity leave?
[looks under table]
Skipper: You're all male!
Kowalski: Skipper Look
Skipper: Analysis
Kowalski: It looks like a small incandescent bulb, designed to indicate something out of the ordinary like a malfunction
Skipper: I find it pretty and somewhat hypnotic
Kowalski: That too sir
Skipper: Right, Rico Maunal
[Catches the manual and smashes the bulb with it]
Skipper: Problemo solved
Kowalski: Sir, we maybe out of fuel
Kowalski: What makes you think that?
Kowalski: We've lost engine one, And engine two is no longer on fire.
LOL i didnt want to post this because you might laugh at me for watching that new Madagascar but that movie had me laughin so hard.