NFL Football 2008-09



Audioholic Overlord
Surprisingly, the Eagles are getting back into it. However, I can NOT believe they did not go for the 2-point conversion as opposed to kicking a FG. What's up with their kicking game.......geez!!!! :eek::eek:




Here goes Mcnabb choking .....oh yeah its right about time .....:D


Audioholic Samurai
Damum!!! The Cards won the NFC championship!!!!:eek: Looks like a bird bowl...possibly


Audioholic Overlord
Kinda looks like the Cardinals soared a bit higher than the Eagles!!!!! Congrats to the Cards. This has been such a strange year for NFL football if you ask me.


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Audioholic Ninja
That was one very entertaining football game. The team with the better quarterback won today. McNabb, once again was inconsistent and very inaccurate on a lot of balls to wide open receivers in the big game. I give Warner a lot of credit, he stood in there, took the hits and delivered the ball on the money (he was clutch). It seemed the Eagles defense was very confused especially on the underneath stuff. If McNabb could have hit receivers in stride there was a lot of open field available on a lot of plays which would have made a difference in the first half. They were open all day.

Neither defense played well. Hopefully we get to see some of that in the next game:D.
Steelers vs Ravens should be intense :D.
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Audioholic Chief
This just in. Cardinals no longer Sad Sacks. Congratulations to NFC champions. I suppose the closet Cardinal fans that run this place will be out of the closet now.;)


Full Audioholic
Looks like we won't be hearing from sawzalot for another year:D
Card and Ravens in Superbowl XLIII


Audioholic Spartan
Well I just here so I can't be accused of disappearing after the loss.

(awaiting mazer with disparaging photo/graphic...:))

The game was entertaining and aggravating all at the same time.:(


Audioholic Ninja
You can add another 2 poorly officiated games to the list. I have never seen a season in which the refs have made so many costly mistakes. It is truely an embarrasement to the NFL. Mind boggling:confused: (kickoff in NFC champsionship, roughing the kicker in AFC). I think it is fitting that the refs determine the outcome of the superbowl in a couple of weeks. Actually, since I hate both teams playing in the superbowl this year, I hope it ends in controversy:D.


Audioholic Field Marshall
What did I say earlier this week????? Check out my post where I warned the Eagles fans against counting their chickens.... did Sawzalot listen- NO!!! That was one of those games where you could just tell that the Cards were the team of destiny to win. Nevermind the fact that the "vaunted" Eagles defense could not stop the Cards all day!! I have never seen an Eagles team run on like the Cards ran the ball today... it's absolutely unheard of for Jim Johnson's D to get picked apart like they were!

As for the other game... if that Pittsburgh player (Clark) who blatantly hit mcgahee with his helmet is not suspended for the Super Bowl I'm going to be really pissed off. Leading with your helmet is not only dangerous, it's not even proper tackling technique. There was no attempt to wrap the ballcarrier. All he did was throw his head directly into McGahee, no arms or shoulder, and let gravity do the rest. That crap pisses me off more than anything. I really hope Willis gets well soon.

Should be an interesting super bowl to say the least...


Audioholic Ninja
What did I say earlier this week????? Check out my post where I warned the Eagles fans against counting their chickens.... did Sawzalot listen- NO!!! That was one of those games where you could just tell that the Cards were the team of destiny to win. Nevermind the fact that the "vaunted" Eagles defense could not stop the Cards all day!! I have never seen an Eagles team run on like the Cards ran the ball today... it's absolutely unheard of for Jim Johnson's D to get picked apart like they were!

As for the other game... if that Pittsburgh player (Clark) who blatantly hit mcgahee with his helmet is not suspended for the Super Bowl I'm going to be really pissed off. Leading with your helmet is not only dangerous, it's not even proper tackling technique. There was no attempt to wrap the ballcarrier. All he did was throw his head directly into McGahee, no arms or shoulder, and let gravity do the rest. That crap pisses me off more than anything. I really hope Willis gets well soon.

Should be an interesting super bowl to say the least...
The Eagles D got picked apart the first half pretty badly but they tightened up in the 2nd half and played very well except for the last drive in which the Cardinals took the lead. I have to give a lot of credit to Kurt Warner, he is definitly the MVP of that team and the reason they won that game, he played awesome! Their offense had the Eagles linebackers really confused out there in the first half and they took advantage.

BTW was there a penalty called on that hit with Willis, I missed that part of the game.
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Audioholic Field Marshall
BTW was there a penalty called on that hit with Willis, I missed that part of the game.
No- there was no penalty called... which is a complete load of B/S. The hit caused a fumble too... so the ball ends up back in the hands of the Steelers. This is one of those situations where you wish the refs should be fined for missing such a call. :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
No- there was no penalty called... which is a complete load of B/S. The hit caused a fumble too... so the ball ends up back in the hands of the Steelers. This is one of those situations where you wish the refs should be fined for missing such a call. :eek:
I heard this morning they were playing music in the stadium and the fans were celebrating while he was he on the field seriously injured. The Steelers organization and fans have always been classless. That organization should get fined by the NFL for playing music during that. Totally uncalled for:mad:.

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