Wow,do you live in never never land where chocolate rainbows & rose colored skies fill the air.This what i call a classic example of an adult walking through life with blinders on.
If you put 1/10th the research into this subject that you have put into audio cables or the best bang for the buck receiver you'd quickly prove yourself wrong,ill do your reaserch for you.
Here your buddy's the cops in action,classic beat down & standard cover up,this guy deserved it too i suppose

,what a great cop,took me all of 30 seconds to find this example.
Another 30 second search, Hopefully this maniac dont pull your wife over,too bad this woman deserved it,you'd be cool if this happened to your wife,right ?
Here is another thug who deserved his a$$ whopping,a kid laying on the ground helpless with a broken back was tasered by the police 19 times ,he deserved it because he wouldnt respond to their commands

,he's got a broken back, ofcourse he wont respond but lets taser him anyway,he deserves it.
And last but not least,an example from the fine upstanding police in my state taking a guy on an elevator ride,ever been on one ? i have & i didnt like it either.
If you even cared to research this which im sure you dont you'd find out your 100% wrong when you say most deserve their beating,what a ridicolous statement for a grown adult to make