As a black man, I'm not too sure how I feel about this. There is a grainy cell phone video that clearly shows the young man is hand-cuffed and on the ground on his stomach. He doesn't seem to be struggling very much, but the officer stands up, draws his gun and shoots the kid in the back. He later died from the injury. BART maintains that the officer meant to stun the kid with a taser, but accidentally pulled his gun by mistake. Aren't officers supposed to wear their tasers on the other side of their belts than their guns to prevent
EXACTLY this kind of thing from happening?!?!? Aren't tasers made of plastic? I've never held a taser, but I've held guns before. I would assume that a taser would feel completely different than a gun. I would hate to think that the officer was racist and meant to hurt the kid, but him shooting the kid instead of tasing him seems like a long shot. It's possible, but I don't completely buy it.
Last night, hundreds of people were protesting in Oakland, and for some stupid reason a riot broke out.
I'll never understand the point of rioting. It's this kind of behavior that gives blacks a bad rap. I can understand the frustration and outrage, but what does smashing up a hair salon and a McDonald's do to help the situation?!?! I remember being outraged when the Rodney King verdict came down, but I didn't understand the point of those riots either.