UN-Official Formula 1 Thread



The wider front wing will take some getting use to. Not the prettiest car.

I wonder how many pit stops for front wing changes this year? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Chief
I hope the teams finally band together and ask for Ecclestone and Mosely to stand down.

I think I lost a lot of interest in F1. Too many garbage tracks being introduced for REAL tracks so that Bernie can fill his pockets.

The last bargaining chip that F1 management had was Ferrari - and now they burned all bridges.


I agree. The latest tracks aren't meant for racing. They're meant to draw fans and make money.

And don't get me started on night racing. :mad:


Audioholic Chief
That Singapore race was crap. The worst one was the Valencia track that was basically some shipping dock.

Places like Turkey, Dubai etc... are full of empty seats. Those two idiots running F1 are completely oblivious to the fact that they are killing the sport. Or they simply don't care as long as new venues line their pockets.


Audioholic Samurai
So I took a year or two off while building the theater, and am now wanting to check out F1 for the first few races, and see if the hook snags me again.

I totally agree about needing a change of management, King Bernie and Max got to go!

Is SpeedHD carrying races? I can't imagine how cool that would be...can't stand the US commentators. Might as hit the mute button. :mad:


Audioholic Chief
Oh, and I love the fact that the most technological motorsports on the planet isn't even available in HD. :rolleyes:


It was on speed with Dish network. However, that is if they actually used HD cameras. Otherwise it is simply scaled up.


I have not seen high res close ups near the rear, but the photos I have seen are crazy. Look how narrow they have gotten the engine cover! The packaging of the engine & gearbox is crazy tight at the rear end. Image 5 is a good one here to show what I mean.

It also appears that their mirror mounts have been used as a turning vane, intersting. Very bulbous sidepods as well.

The front wings are just hideous at this point. They are massive. It is a VERY clean looking car, very tightly packaged. I do not like the rear wings though. Too skinny for the height.

I hope Ferrari can dominate this year. I think BMW is going to have a pretty good package though as will McLaren & Renault.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm hoping for an even better year from BMW. I took last year off of F1 so I could finish out the theater, now I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT AGAIN! :D


Audioholic Spartan
I have not seen high res close ups near the rear, but the photos I have seen are crazy. Look how narrow they have gotten the engine cover! The packaging of the engine & gearbox is crazy tight at the rear end. Image 5 is a good one here to show what I mean.

It also appears that their mirror mounts have been used as a turning vane, intersting. Very bulbous sidepods as well.

The front wings are just hideous at this point. They are massive. It is a VERY clean looking car, very tightly packaged. I do not like the rear wings though. Too skinny for the height.

I hope Ferrari can dominate this year. I think BMW is going to have a pretty good package though as will McLaren & Renault.

The way the wings look don't bother me. F1 has always had times when the cars looked odd for a while and then you just get used to it. What will bother me is all the front wing changes that WILL be taking place.



Full Audioholic
Yeah, I am expecting to see a few front wings around the place. I wonder how minor (wing not completely removed) incidents are going to affect the movable aero bits at the front - coming into a corner and finding it doesn't work anymore could be somewhat 'interesting'.

Still, I was pretty impressed by the pics of the Fezza, not a looker, but I'd still tap it after a couple of pints. :D

EDIT: Some interesting comparison pics, and a rear diffuser shot (kinda like the 'up skirt' photos the paps do for the low quality newspapers ;)): http://www.sidepodcast.com/2009/01/12/ferrari-f2009-unveiled-in-mugello/
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The way the wings look don't bother me. F1 has always had times when the cars looked odd for a while and then you just get used to it. What will bother me is all the front wing changes that WILL be taking place.


Yeah, that's what I said earlier. You know there will be tons of first lap front wing changes after the start. The worst part will be all the carbon fiber debris on the track and in the first corner.

Now add the fact that the driver can adjust the wing "on the fly" to allow more passing. That means they'll be too busy playing with the control while running up on the rear end of the car in front. I can just see all the wings getting torn off from trying to passs too close to the car in front.


(and the driver can also play with the KERS system while driving)


Full Audioholic
I rather have one of these:


They had one on Top Gear and loved it.
Great little motor - a mate of mine had one. Completely bonkers, and 'fun' in a British winter. I just couldn't get over the feeling that we were strapped into a steel tubed bedstead though... a somewhat quick bedstead, granted.

I've never driven the Tiger ERA, though visited their factory a few years back and got a ride in one of their bike engined cars. Great fun.

The one I'd really want (well, ignoring the Ultima GTR) is the Westfield XTR2. All I need is the time, money and storage space. Not much then...

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