
Audioholic Ninja
Watching the RNC tonight, all I can say is that it's night of the living dead.


Audioholic Warlord
Since when did people start thinking they are more patriotic than others and that there way of showing it is the only way?
I just thought it was interesting, and posted it for others to see. I should have linked where I read it, because those are not even my words.

What I should have done is what I do all the time and stayed out of a political conversation. Sorry for posting it.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm just dropping out of this thread. I have honest interest in people's ideology, but I can't get anyone to articulate their opinions or positions in a way that I can understand and give credit to. But with the exception of just a couple of folks here or there, that's pretty much true no matter who I talk to on the "other side" so to speak. I always hear the same standard stuff, but nothing behind it to prove or even warrant the comment. It's like, "yes I know... Bush is a moron. He should be on trial at the Hague. Republicans only care about oil... blah, blah, blah." Anything else?

It's okay though. No one owes me or anyone else insight to what they think pr why. I just thought it could have been a good discussion. It just always ends up being the same old silly back and forth.

I'm all about BBQ though, so I won't give up that ship. See you in the recipe thread.
Sorry that you feel that no one on the "other side" is worthy of debating you.

By the way, you asked the question, why does Obama call himself black when he's half white, which I answered, but you never responded to. Perhaps you missed it. But I find that pretty disingenuous on your part.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I was hoping for a bit more than that.
I actually wrote a much longer, much more detailed explanation. When I went to post it, however, there was an error due to network problems. I lost all I had typed and didn't fell like re-typing it.

What I ended up posting is admittedly simplified, but it is a pretty good summary. I agree with those who don't like or trust the Democrats either, though (Democrats are merely better than Republicans, which is far from the same as perfect.) The truth is that nobody in politics has much to offer me, and haven't for a long time. I don't think that this country has had a truly great president since Lincoln. (Kennedy might have been great, if he had lived.)


Audioholic Spartan
I don't think that this country has had a truly great president since Lincoln. (Kennedy might have been great, if he had lived.)
Ironic examples (coming from you, that is:D) Lincoln was a Republican.

The Democratic party has swung so far left, by today's standards Kennedy (most likely) would have been judged a moderate Republican.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Ironic examples (coming from you, that is:D) Lincoln was a Republican.

The Democratic party has swung so far left, by today's standards Kennedy (most likely) would have been judged a moderate Republican.
Lincoln was liberal enough that he would have been considered a Democrat by today's standards. The party platforms have changed a lot over the years.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Ironic examples (coming from you, that is:D) Lincoln was a Republican.

The Democratic party has swung so far left, by today's standards Kennedy (most likely) would have been judged a moderate Republican.
Speaking of irony can't the same be said about todays Republican party(swinging to the far right)?:confused:
If anything, Republicans have swung to the left. They used to stand for fiscal conservatism - perhaps at the expense of "not caring enough" for the poor, etc. Now they can outspend Democrats in many areas. Both parties seem spend-happy, just on different things.


Full Audioholic
If anything, Republicans have swung to the left. They used to stand for fiscal conservatism - perhaps at the expense of "not caring enough" for the poor, etc. Now they can outspend Democrats in many areas. Both parties seem spend-happy, just on different things.
Yup, quite sad. And they are puppets and sellouts for whoever "donates" the most money to them.(big companies)
Both sides.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Remember, though, that all the various social and environmental programs could be funded for a tiny fraction of what this pointless, wasteful war is costing.
If ending the war were to be Obama's only accomplishment, that would be enough for me.


Full Audioholic
We could have taken care of a 'ton' of domestic issues, you are correct in my opinion.


Audioholic General
The Democratic party has swung so far left, by today's standards Kennedy (most likely) would have been judged a moderate Republican.
Uhhhhh....quite the opposite. Today's Democrats are yesterdays moderate Republicans.

Which president created OSHA, the EPA, and called upon congress to produce legislation to protect endangered species?

Answer here.


Audioholic General
Uhhhhh....quite the opposite. Today's Democrats are yesterdays moderate Republicans.
Bingo. And to use the currently popular term, the NeoCons, which basically are the new Republican party in many ways, have taken the party quite far to the Liberal side.

Honestly I think it's hilarious and insulting at the same time that people use works like liberal (or conservative) as an insult. Those that do are just small minded and are to be pitied however.

Still, having looked in to Palin (I have no idea what popular opinion or the media thinks), I don't like her. If inexperience was a complaint about Obama, she's worse. And with McCains health the way it seems to be I'd not want to see her getting bumped to President.


Full Audioholic

Honestly I think it's hilarious and insulting at the same time that people use works like liberal (or conservative) as an insult. Those that do are just small minded and are to be pitied however.
I feel exactly the same.
Well said.


Audioholic Spartan
Both parties have swung to the extremes. IMO they do that, to polarize the masses, and they have succeeded.
Fanatics that are all wound up on party rhetoric, rarely step back, take a breath, and really use any Critical Thinking Skills.
That is just what the politicians want.
We have been officially 'divided and conquered'

The Congress and the Senate rarely if ever, work a five day work week.

Even on the days they allegedly work they do things such as:
Commend the Louisiana State U Tigers for winning the 2007 bowl championship game.
Or: Designating a post office in Virginia, as the Judge Richard Allsbrook post office. And all that would be considered a days work! I picked those two examples at random, it's really much worse.

You would think or hope they are doing their jobs and voting with the tax payer in mind. They are just barely doing anything; just working on 'feel good' legislation to give the impression of 'fighting' for this, or the 'war' on that. (It's both parties)


I feel exactly the same.
Well said.
I agree.
However I am surprised that anyone is giving her a hard time about a bad decision her teenage daughter made. If you have kids or remember when you were teenagers you know what I mean.
My parents were very Conservative and religious but I still made mistakes, heck my brother was a father at 17 and my folks reacted with love and understanding even though they were against premarital sex. I think Palins response to her daughters situation is more telling then the fact a teenager got in trouble.


Full Audioholic
But you can't "brag" about big family values, which is silly anyways, if your own house isn't in order. And you certainly can't lie about the pregnancy like they did at first...what kind of value is that, lying?
Almost everyone makes mistakes, I ceratinly have and continue to do so, but most don't go around saying how good they are and that it is something to base a vote for presidency on.
-just my personal opinion, and it may sound like I just hate repubs, but I hate both sides.(though the current admin. is the worst of my somewhat short life of a sorry bunch since I was born in the late 70's.)

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