Theres a bold statementAnd these will blow them all away. JBL Everest, described as playing real music, not just hifi.
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Theres a bold statementAnd these will blow them all away. JBL Everest, described as playing real music, not just hifi.
When ever there is trouble with the socks, they will be thereThis is great. I'm going to use this one over and over.![]()
Rather fairly ignorant thing to say here. I don't come here to defend my or anyone else's choices in equipment. Folks buy the things they do because of personal likes/dislikes, budget, and a whole host of other reasons.What makes you think deftect belongs in that league? They don't.
And these will blow them all away. JBL Everest, described as playing real music, not just hifi.
Well the Everest did win "best of innovation" at the '07 CES in LV.Theres a bold statementcalling all fanboys........... Im sure your beloved dd66000 series is a very good speaker, and at 30K+ a pair, it better be
You just wait until I get my $60,000 B&W Tube-Loaded Nautilus!!!Well the Everest did win "best of innovation" at the '07 CES in LV.
But I'm not near the fanboy that some people are on this forum, about def tect.
And there are many other brands of speakers, besides JBL, I think are worth having. Infinity Prelude MTS, VA Beethoven, James Symphonic, Revel, B&W, just to name a few I have auditioned. And I'm sure a few I haven't auditioned.
That actually looks pretty good. Did you draw that yourself?
I'd have to drive over to SF to audition those. That would be a face off; $60K Everest next to $60K Nautilus, I'd paid for that privilege!You just wait until I get my $60,000 B&W Tube-Loaded Nautilus!!!
Then I'll come back and say that my speakers will blow your little speakers away!![]()
Here's my experience: I ordered a pair of Mythos STS from BB Magnolia at full retail. They don't keep them in the store, so I had to wait about a week (I got them to give me 36 months no interest on the BB card). During that week, I found them somewhere else at about $400 less, but I hadn't gotten them from the other store yet. I went to the Magnolia store to get my account credited after the STSs had come in, and they said, "let's see what we can do", and they came back and said that they would price match plus 10%. Well, they price matched $400 per speaker rather than $400 off of the total. I didn't disabuse them of their misunderstanding, so I got the DefTechs for $880 less than retail which comes out to about 25%.Well, what I would do is take digitalcraze's price and get others like AbtElectronics or even your local stores to price-match. My local store is Ultimate Electronics, and they price-matched digitalcraze -- down to the cents, including S/H, taxes, everything!
Another member - Itschris - bought the 7002s from digitalcraze. In the end he got the speakers, but it took about 4 weeks. So send him a private message (PM).
Another idea is onecall.com. They may not fully price-match digitalcraze, but they will go half-way.
I've asked abtelectronics to price-match digitalcraze, and they did approve. However, when I found out that my local store also price-matched, I bought locally instead.
I got all my DefTechs at 30% of MSRP!
In other words, I could walk into my store today and get the BP7002s for $1,680/pr plus tax = $1,825/pr.
So aim for 25-30% off DefTechs.
If my local stores will not price-match, I would get abtelectronics to price-match digitalcraze.
But ask Itschris on this forum. He bought from digitalcraze and got his speakers okay - I believe. Now buying receivers from digitalcraze is another matter. He can tell you about that. But DefTech speakers were okay.
Oh, my bad, then.
Okay, so I take it back.
I guess DefTechs are just not a good fit for everyone. Some love them. Some hate them.[/QUOT
Maybe they just can't affort them, that's why they hate them?
It seems your the one caught up with the cost of a speaker.Maybe they just can't affort them, that's why they hate them?=AcuDefTechGuy;436997]I guess DefTechs are just not a good fit for everyone. Some love them. Some hate them.
Awesome experience. Glad to hear that. And congrats on your new awesome speakers.Here's my experience: I ordered a pair of Mythos STS from BB Magnolia at full retail. They don't keep them in the store, so I had to wait about a week (I got them to give me 36 months no interest on the BB card). During that week, I found them somewhere else at about $400 less, but I hadn't gotten them from the other store yet. I went to the Magnolia store to get my account credited after the STSs had come in, and they said, "let's see what we can do", and they came back and said that they would price match plus 10%. Well, they price matched $400 per speaker rather than $400 off of the total. I didn't disabuse them of their misunderstanding, so I got the DefTechs for $880 less than retail which comes out to about 25%.
By the way, the Mythos STS sound fabulous in a two channel setup.
Ya, deftechs aren't the be all to end all speaker, never heard any I would buy. I use a vintage speaker system (late '70s, and $2K, then) that blow away def tech .It seems your the one caught up with the cost of a speaker.Maybe it's just that they didn't like the Def Tech sound.
Ya, deftechs aren't the be all to end all speaker, never heard any I would buy. I use a vintage speaker system (late '70s, and $2K, then) that blow away def tech .
Also have a new system that blow them away.[/QUOTE
I don't want to knock anyones speaker preference, would I buy them NO because I like a different sound, that does'nt make them bad speakers. We all prefere a different sound that's why we have so many choices. What speakers do you have from the 70s.
I'm not knocking them, just I wouldn't buy them. And you're right, we all have different hearing, thus so many speakers to chose from. Some clowns think bose are good. To each his/her own.Ya, deftechs aren't the be all to end all speaker, never heard any I would buy. I use a vintage speaker system (late '70s, and $2K, then) that blow away def tech .
Also have a new system that blow them away.[/QUOTE
I don't want to knock anyones speaker preference, would I buy them NO because I like a different sound, that does'nt make them bad speakers. We all prefere a different sound that's why we have so many choices.
But we all think what we have is good, or we wouldn't have them. But when you hear a speaker system that is clearly better you should be able to realize that fact, as to if you spend the money, for what will probably be more expensive speakers, well that's something else.
Which speakers from the 70s do you own?I use a vintage speaker system (late '70s, and $2K, then) that blow away def tech .
Also have a new system that blow them away.
Thank you, sir. And thank you for your input into my speaker search. I really got beaten up by the staff and others over my disappointment with the EMP 50's, and I thought that I wouldn't post anymore on this forum, but you were a big help!Awesome experience. Glad to hear that. And congrats on your new awesome speakers.![]()