Well, what I would do is take digitalcraze's price and get others like AbtElectronics or even your local stores to price-match. My local store is Ultimate Electronics, and they price-matched digitalcraze -- down to the cents, including S/H, taxes, everything!
Another member - Itschris - bought the 7002s from digitalcraze. In the end he got the speakers, but it took about 4 weeks. So send him a private message (PM).
Another idea is onecall.com. They may not fully price-match digitalcraze, but they will go half-way.
I've asked abtelectronics to price-match digitalcraze, and they did approve. However, when I found out that my local store also price-matched, I bought locally instead.
I got all my DefTechs at 30% of MSRP!
In other words, I could walk into my store today and get the BP7002s for $1,680/pr plus tax = $1,825/pr.
So aim for 25-30% off DefTechs.
If my local stores will not price-match, I would get abtelectronics to price-match digitalcraze.
But ask Itschris on this forum. He bought from digitalcraze and got his speakers okay - I believe. Now buying receivers from digitalcraze is another matter. He can tell you about that. But DefTech speakers were okay.