Why do members here waste their time and energy building and the jumping on their home made soap box to look down at and mock those who they disagree with, I have subscribed to Stereophile for years and like the mix of budget and cutting edge gear, my complaint is more in the Political Op-ED's inserted where it has no place but its a pretty good magazine all and all.
Most Audiophiles have heard the rants and scoffs about gear and cables to a point where it just gets turned off, so have your fun but nobody really cares even when a few step in to make a point now and then, I mean really dont you have anything better to do?
I have contacted Michael Fremer both via email and spoke to him in May at the NYC show, he is always helpful and respectful.....he obviously has a good opinion of himself and I wonder why that would be considered a flaw? With all due respect I think attacking those who champion something you dont agree with for their individual pleasure and have no intention of learning any real knowledge of what you dismiss is more telling of your character and not of those you laugh at and dispise.
I dont drink fine wine, drive a fancy car or sport a hand made watch or even care to sit and fiddle with a vintage model train as it makes pointless rounds on a table in a basement but I understand one key thing about most men and that is the fact we are all classified as "nerds" about something. Hunters are nerds in camouflage, bikers in leather, divers in wet suits and countless others have whatever hobby and its associated gear and often premium priced items from collectables to the equipment and gear required to enjoy the hobby chosen.
So laugh at those you see as silly or out of touch but know somebody somewhere wether in bed next to you, across town or all across the country are laughing at YOU aswell for whatever hobby makes you the nerd you are.
In close you may assume those who talk about and dream of new subwoofers, projection screens and bass shakers in their seats while they spout off at the products others use and rant about the large companies who manufactur these goods for hours on end are laughed at just like those in Hi-End Audio..............but thats just crazy talk..