Yeah, I know. Unfortunetly, right out of school I won't be able to afford a home. I do want to buy as soon as I can, but I'm a believer in low overhead and living below my means, so it might be a bit. I'm hoping the low market will maybe help me find a place to rent that is reasonable, at least. All those condos they are building in Miami blow my mind, half of them are mostly empty, but I don't want to go into a building that is going to go broke either. So, I'm really hoping to find a townhouse or a condo building that is well established, even if it costs me more.
The van idea is still a possibility though....
I had a friend live in one of the bay storage/office buildings that are all over south florida. As long as the landlord doesn't care, it's not a horrible idea. Showers are easy to put in, sink is already there, park your car in your bay. haha.
Yeah, people are still asking stupid money for stuff though. Especially in Miami Beach. I'd be interested to know what the places that sell actually sell for.
I'd love to have one of those slip town houses they built in like north miami. Put a fish boat in the back, don't need to worry about landscaping. I bet they are crazy cash though.