Please do.
There really aren't many, and they can all be countered with equivalent quotes from the Bible.
It's not a problem with religion. It's a problem with culture and it's roughly the same problem we have in the US. So be careful where you throw the insults and racism.
Islam is in no way the same problem as we have here in the US or related to us culture,the only simularities are savagery,but with US culture its not taught or government approved,with Islam its taught & approved.
The problem starts within the Koran & the problem is finalized within the books of Hadith & Tirmzi,which for those who dont know are the 2nd most important books aside from the Koran,they are used used to translate the meaning of the Koran for muslims,most muslims use a Hadith & Tirmzi to pratice their type of Islam.
From the Koran.
11/223: Your women are titlh,to cultivate as you wish,so go to your tilth.
IV/34: Men are the lord of women,because Allah hath made one of them to excell the other.As for those who ye fear rebellion,abmonish them,banish them & scourge them.
IV/15: If any of your women are guilty of lewdness,confine them until death claims them.
XXIV/6-7: For those men who accuse their wives but have no wittness except themselves,let his testimony act as the testimony of 4 men.
From the Tirmzi.
Page 439, If the woman is immodest the husband has the right to beat her but must not break her bones.
Page 430,it is forbidden for a woman to be seen by any other man when she is well dressed or made up.
From the Hadith.
Chapter 558 When a man calls his woman to bed & she does not come,the one who is in heaven will be displeased with her,this will continue until her husband is pleased with her again.
Chapter 576,Women were created in the shape of a rib & in no way will be straightned for man.
The 18 punishements from Allah tword women as described by "Gazzalli",an expert on Islam,these punishments are for Eve's transgression in the garden of eden.
1 Menstration.
2 Child birth.
3 Seperation from her father & to marry a strange man.
4 Pregnancy
5 Not having control of her own self or person.
6 Lesser share of inheratince.
7 Her inability to divorce a man.
8 Unable to have multiple husbands while her husband may have 4 wive's.
9 To stay secluded in the house.
10 To keep her head covered even in the house.
11 Two womens testimony will equal one man's testimony.
12 Cant leave the home unless accompanied by a close relative.
13 May not take part of the Friday feast or any funeral feasts.
14 Disqualified to be a ruler or judge.
15 The merit of a person has 100 points of merit,with only one being attributed to women,all other 99 points of merit are of man alone.
16 If women are profligate they will only be given half the torment as the rest at the resurection.
17 After the husband dies the woman must wait a period of 4 months & 10 days before she is to remarry.
18 After the husband divorces a wife she must wait a period of 3 months or 3 menstrual cycles before she remarry's.
Combine the things about women from the 3 books of Islam with this fact,acording to the Koran, being an Infidel or Kafir is punishable by death,now you have an explosive situation for women who dont blindly obey.
A simple refusal to wear proper head gear by a woman will be seen as an act of defiance twords the husbands wishes & will be seen as an act of defiance of Allah's law,a woman who refuses to obey her father or husband can be punished with violence but a woman who defy's gods law or is a non believer is a Kafir or an Infidel,both of which can be punished by death.
As for equlivant quotes from the bible,any would be irrelevant,people are not acting out "eye for an eye" quotes or "smight thee down" quotes from the bible in 2007.