I'm only going to follow up and ask if you know any Muslims? I've probably met hundreds through my educational experience, my world travels, and my work experiences. I've never met one who had the desire to kill, torture, or maim me. There are a billion muslims in the world, almost all of whom do not wish to hurt anybody else. Maybe you should head out into the world and meet people before you dismiss them as savages and knock their beliefs.
Yes I do know Muslims. Thanks for asking. In fact, one is a former officer in Saddam's army.
All the Muslims that I know have accepted the social and cultural norms of North American society. The women in their lives do not wear the Hijab and they do not want to impose Sharia Law. They are humble, peace loving and moral people. I judge them by their actions relative to their professed beliefs. In all these cases, they are not following the literal dictates of Islam, preferring instead to live a more civilized existence.
However, it should be noted that in any of those nations listed above (except maybe Turkey), the religious, political, legal and cultural ideology would compel them to observe a more rigorous discipline of the Islamic tradition on the pain of physical punishment, imprisonment or death. In Islamic societies, there is no picking and choosing which aspects of the faith you observe. You observe them all. Period.
I think you must judge people relative to their book, even Christians and Jews. Those who come here from other cultures to enjoy the benefits of western culture are welcome, provided they accept a few fundamental limits wich are spelled out in the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (in Canada). If these few simple rules that respect the life, rights and dignity of all people are too much to ask, they should stay where they are more comfortable with the political/legal traditions of society. The problem arises when people come here from one of those aforementioned cultures where women have no rights and their lives are devalued by religious decree and refuse to accept that those values are not tolerated here.
We cannot force Islamic fundamentalist states to respect life, the equality of women or the barbarism of torture. But we can expect that those who come here from those cultures to follow our laws declarations of rights. Also, we can look upon those governments and societies that hold those values and pass judgment upon their actions and their societal values that breed and perpetuate those actions.