Not even on Harry Potter, knowing that you're getting more HD on Blu-ray??
I think there are two main reasons people like HD DVD that are very legitimate...
1. HD DVD costs less to get into. Forget manufacturing, forget that players may be subsidized. When a consumer is buying HD DVD, or has bought HD DVD, they almost
always say, that it was at a price they could afford.
2. HD DVD is more stable. Whether it is true or not, HD DVD has been fairly quick with their firmware updates and they are able to push those updates via the Internet. While Blu-ray players are every bit as capable of being stable, there is only one player that has reached this level - The PS3. Yet, all HD DVD players get pushed firmware updates quickly and there is much of the HD DVD spec that is already set so that the firmware push isn't even necessary.
On the other hand, Blu-ray comes across as truly being a newer technology that can deliver more. Faster transfers, more data, updated specifications across the board. The early adopters are feeling some growing pains with the technology and product development has been a bit slow. This is typical with brand new product - you have to develop all the tools necessary to allow for people to utilize the format easily. Since HD DVD really uses more existing technologies, this is easier, but may prove to be limited. For Blu-ray it may be far more robust, but it may take a few years before many of those technologies are utilized in meaningful fashion.
At the end of the day though, price on all technologies will continue to drop. Blu-ray has about 80%+ of CE support, and it currently has more studio support. So, if in a year or two we see a $120 HD DVD player, we may see 4 or 5 Blu-ray players that run $150 each. Then we either buy both - or the studios decide which format will win.
I gotta say, studios are likely to have a huge impact on this format war. In fact, they already have. Going forward, if Universal goes neutral, which may be possible if repeated rumors of a contract with HD DVD ending in January 2008 come true... then people will possibly wonder how long before Paramount returns to neutral - as it is reported under an 18 month contract as well.
No reports have surfaced about Disney or Fox being under contract the way they have for Paramount/Universal, but odds are good that there is some sort of kick back to them as well. Yet, no indication of a move towards neutrality at any specific date.