That's pretty harsh!!!!'s obvious that your post is directed to all of us south of the border and I resent it. While I don't condone any kind of illegal immigration not only in the States but in any part of the world, that doesn't put me in a position to denigrate those who do, like you have. Calling a female a "a pregnant cow here to drop a baby ", what kind of insulting statement is that????.
first off, let me make it clear that I have no issues with people who play by the rules in coming here to make a life for themselves. Obviously, they have needed skills and want to add to the greatness and wealth of this country. It's those that come here to suck it dry that rile me.
Sorry, but that's how I (and others) view anchor babies. They drop their load (at our expense) and we're stuck paying for their medical expenses and have to change our language to suit them? And now the whole family follows. Get off it.
How come every other nationality came here LEGALLY learned the language, blended in and made a home here, and youse can't?
You know, not all latinos have USD 100 to pay for a US visitor visa, and even if they apply and pay the fee, chances are they are going to be turned down and the fee forfeited. You know how much you can do with a hundred bucks anywhere but in the US...let me tell you...a lot!!!, that's a lot more than some central or south American minimun wage, so most of those illegal immigrants saw a chance (unlawfully), and took it, so they could build a better future for their families. I don't think these people risk their lives just to make an easy buck, there's a lot more than that.
So, what you're saying is that once they sneak across the border they should be home free and get a prize? Sorry, that's not gonna make it in my book.
We make it way too attractive to sneak in here. I'm of the attitude that we should apply the same rules to people sneaking into our country that Mexico does to people caught sneaking into there. That's fair, isn't it?
OK, so your country has problems. Stay there and fix it. Don't run here and expect us to make all your problems go away. That's what they want and we're sick of it. Make your own fortune where you are born.
Our country has problems, too, and we can't afford to fix both ours and yours as well. We have unskilled labors here too and they need work as well. The difference is that they don't qualify for free benefits like you illegals do. They have to play by the rules. By your guys working off the books for less than we can afford to, you drive down the wage scale. But, by to the hospitals for free medical, you can afford that.
How come youse sneak in, live in hovels, work off the books* send most of the money back to the home country and eventually move back there? All that does is take money our of our country and put it in yours. The way a thriving economy works is that money made there should be spent there. We're kinda tired of being sucked dry.
AFAICT, we should not be rewarding such behaviour.
*and yes, the people who employ these illegals should be made to pay as well.
We're tired of Mexico and other countries exporting their economic problems on this country. If you don't want to be viewed in that light, then do something about it. Fix your own problems.