Illegal Immigration? Watch this.

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Audioholic Field Marshall
but hey...all good things must come to an end...even America.

After the leftists bring about enough damage & weakness to our sovereignty, our nation will make a right turn so that we may save & protect ourselves from eminent destruction.

The USA wont cease and desist until after the next mass extinction.
(one of many this planet has already/and will experience during it's lifetime)

Keep in mind, the next mass extinction will be well before our sun begins it's later 'red giant' life cycle stages which will efficiently and effectively kill all life on earth.

Unlike liberals would like you to believe, our end will not be induced by mankind. Our end will be well beyond human control...... Geologic, solar, and many various extra-solar events are very scary indeed, and they will be responsible for our doom.

So until that time comes, everyone have a drink on me, because those events are well out of our control;)
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Immigration, and The Bird Feeder

I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table...everywhere. Then some of the birds turned mean: They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And others birds were boisterous and loud: They sat on the feeder and squawked
and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be...quite, serene and no one demanding their
rights to a free meal.

Now lets see...our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, free education and allows anyone born here to be a automatic citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families: you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor: your child's 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English: Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to press "one" to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than "Old Glory" are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties. Maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

Excellent post thumbs up to you my friend! :)


Full Audioholic
I am a naturalized citizen (means I came legally.) And I say it's time we stop all immigration legal and illegal. We can't afford to let more people in at the expense of the ones who are here already. You can cry me a f#!#g river, but enough is enough.

Controlling legal immigration is easy. You just allow less people into the country. Controlling illegal immigration is hard, but it's doable. Put apache helicopters and m1 tanks at the border and use them. I promise you they will stop coming.

Save this country before it's too late.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Immigration, and The Bird Feeder...
So, you selflessly erect a bird table to help feed birds, presumably during winter which, I might add, seems an odd time of year to want to sit out on the patio, to help them at a time when food is scarce...and then complain when incredibly, birds arrive in droves, help themselves to a food source just sitting around for the taking and relieve themselves wherever's convenient.

How inconsiderate birds are! If only there'd been a toilet block nearby! Still, all that's academic now isn't it, what with your having removed the bird table? I mean, birds might not see it through the winter but hey! at least your patio doesn't require as frequent cleaning.

What a foolish post, on more than one level.

Keep in mind, the next mass extinction will be well before our sun begins it's later 'red giant' life cycle stages which will efficiently and effectively kill all life on earth.
It wont be efficient at all.


Audioholic General
I am a naturalized citizen (means I came legally.) And I say it's time we stop all immigration legal and illegal. We can't afford to let more people in at the expense of the ones who are here already. You can cry me a f#!#g river, but enough is enough.

Controlling legal immigration is easy. You just allow less people into the country. Controlling illegal immigration is hard, but it's doable. Put apache helicopters and m1 tanks at the border and use them. I promise you they will stop coming.

Save this country before it's too late.
After you became a naturalized citizen, you want other legal immigration to stop, now thats kind of unfair, I get into the boat and pull the ladder out for others, this is typical attitude among many naturalized citizens as they see their share of the pie getting smaller, I am strictly against illegal immigration, but for legal, qualified immigrants, I am all for it, as long as it keeps the US system ahead of others, by stopping legal immigrants, you will be curtailing qualified personnel who can be very helpful to US in many ways.


Full Audioholic
After you became a naturalized citizen, you want other legal immigration to stop, now thats kind of unfair, I get into the boat and pull the ladder out for others, this is typical attitude among many naturalized citizens as they see their share of the pie getting smaller, I am strictly against illegal immigration, but for legal, qualified immigrants, I am all for it, as long as it keeps the US system ahead of others, by stopping legal immigrants, you will be curtailing qualified personnel who can be very helpful to US in many ways.
It's out of control here in California. You have people on welfare who have numerous children so they can collect more welfare. You have crimes and traffic congestions. You have people waiting for hours to get treated in emergency rooms. All these things happen because there are just too many people, and many of these people are getting services and resources for free.

I blame white people for all these problems. That's right -- it's the white
people who are responsible for these problems. California illegal immigration problems began years ago when white farmers needed cheap labors for their farms. What did they do? They hired illegals from Mexico. This is what many companies are still doing today. This practice goes all the way back to the days of the Pilgrims. It was a different group of people in the days of the Pilgrims though.

It's time to stop the bleeding of the US. Stop immigration now.


Audioholic Samurai
So, you selflessly erect a bird table to help feed birds, presumably during winter which, I might add, seems an odd time of year to want to sit out on the patio, to help them at a time when food is scarce...and then complain when incredibly, birds arrive in droves, help themselves to a food source just sitting around for the taking and relieve themselves wherever's convenient.

How inconsiderate birds are! If only there'd been a toilet block nearby! Still, all that's academic now isn't it, what with your having removed the bird table? I mean, birds might not see it through the winter but hey! at least your patio doesn't require as frequent cleaning.

What a foolish post, on more than one level.
I thought his post was spot on.

Just because the USA "was" in the position to offer help to the rest of the world,and graciously did help for decades does not mean we now owe anybody anything,we as a country have the right to say NO MORE,WE HAVE GAVE ENOUGH,but the real problem that undermines this issue as well as most other issues in the USA is the issue of fear & political correctness,politicians & citizens alike have become mindless drones who are afraid to talk like real people,instead issues are discussed in some mutated language that cant hurt anybodies feelings,and as a result nothing gets resolved.

This shouldnt even be an issue,people wanting legal admission to this country have a system in place for their admission,not just jumping the fence & then demanding we give them something.

I learned a long time ago about bird feeders,they look & sound like a great idea until the vultures find out about free goodies,once they find out its free then comes the s#!t & destruction.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I thought his post was spot on.
You consider an analogy between the behaviour of birds and humans a valid one?

...the real problem that undermines this issue as well as most other issues in the USA is the issue of fear & political correctness...
Sort out the media and do not subscribe to political correctness and the greater part of the problem will vanish. If you cannot or will not sort out the media, stop watching the TV. :)

I learned a long time ago about bird feeders...
You should speak to the person who wrote the text in the post I quoted - not necessarily Rickster71. That person hasn't a clue about birds yet presumes to link their behaviour in a fundamental way with humans'.

...they look & sound like a great idea until the vultures find out about free goodies,once they find out its free then comes the s#!t & destruction.
Vultures are just another bird who can no more change their nature than an eagle (figured I should choose a bird perceived to be the antithesis of the vulture - you know, stereotypical political correctness and all that ;)).

At its root, Rickster71's post is nothing less than a vehicle for spreading the very fear you note above.


Audioholic Samurai
Hi Robbie,the fear i speak of is the fear of being different,the fear of saying something that is right but since it offends a small group its now wrong,the fear of being labeled,the fear of being taken advantage of by 'POLITICAL VULTURES" who are lying in wait for one word thats not PC.

This country is in a PC vice grip that wont allow the political process to function properly.


Audioholic Field Marshall
This country is in a PC vice grip that wont allow the political process to function properly.
Not only the USA. I suspect most western countries suffer from political correctness to varying degrees. The crippling effect of political correctness is a function of the high level of development of these countries.

Now there's irony for you! :D


Now if the entire world had achieved similar0 levels of economic development, we wouldn't be having all these problems we are having right now would we?

Take a look at the history books, take a look at how the Western industrialized world leaped decades if not centuries ahead of everyone else.

And as to some previous comment about some natural disaster and end of the dinasaurs... Well, ever observed how a bunch of bacteria fare when confined inside an agar petri dish? Yeah, you expand and then eventually you decline. This is the fate of all living beings living inside a closed ecosystem.


Audioholic General
It's out of control here in California. You have people on welfare who have numerous children so they can collect more welfare. You have crimes and traffic congestions. You have people waiting for hours to get treated in emergency rooms. All these things happen because there are just too many people, and many of these people are getting services and resources for free.

I blame white people for all these problems. That's right -- it's the white
people who are responsible for these problems. California illegal immigration problems began years ago when white farmers needed cheap labors for their farms. What did they do? They hired illegals from Mexico. This is what many companies are still doing today. This practice goes all the way back to the days of the Pilgrims. It was a different group of people in the days of the Pilgrims though.

It's time to stop the bleeding of the US. Stop immigration now.

Strange, when in the early period of mass immigration to US by Europeans, no hue and cry like this was being raised, as it happens, some immigrants became model citizens then, some took to crime and formed mafias and put the crime balance of US out of control, but interestingly, no such cry of ban legal immigration was being raised, now that the immigration crowd is mostly non european, I see a vehement action against it. I would agree to an extent, US has to shut down immigration, that would do good to these countries as well, point being, many are loosing valuable brain power and workforce, by shutting them off, they would be beneficial to their own country. If the world stop seeing US as the pot of gold, and realizes that gold can be made even in their own backyard, economim immigration will stop to a great extent.


Audioholic Samurai
I re read this entire thread & im nothing short of amazed at the analogies being used to show how illegal immigration isnt a bad thing,or how people who are against illegal immigration are not seeing the big picture:rolleyes: .
Lots of analogies pointing all over the place,except in the right direction.

The problem is with illegal aliens & no amount of analogies pointing to past actions of this country justify the mass immigration & take over of this countrys resources.

Fingers have been pointed at "whitey",fingers have been pointed at big business,fingers have been pointed at farmers,fingers have been pointed at the small businessman,the finger needs to be pointed directly in the eye of the fence jumpers & nobody else beacuse "they" are the cause of the cancer thats eating this economy alive.


Full Audioholic
I re read this entire thread & im nothing short of amazed at the analogies being used to show how illegal immigration isnt a bad thing,or how people who are against illegal immigration are not seeing the big picture:rolleyes: .
Lots of analogies pointing all over the place,except in the right direction.

The problem is with illegal aliens & no amount of analogies pointing to past actions of this country justify the mass immigration & take over of this countrys resources.

Fingers have been pointed at "whitey",fingers have been pointed at big business,fingers have been pointed at farmers,fingers have been pointed at the small businessman,the finger needs to be pointed directly in the eye of the fence jumpers & nobody else beacuse "they" are the cause of the cancer thats eating this economy alive.
There is cause and effect in everything that happens. Once you understand the cause, finding a solution will be easier. We know illegal immigration is a problem. As long as opportunities exist people will continue to come one way or another. Blaming the illegals is not gonna stop them from coming. The best and only way to stop illegal immigration to strengthen our border patrol. Make it difficult or impossible for them to cross the border. That's the answer right there.

We need to control legal immigration also. When I came here 20 years ago, there were fewer people and thus fewer competitions for jobs, housing and other resources. Now we live in a different time and we have to act accordingly. This is not discrimination against non-white people. Open your eyes and look at some of the poorest countries on earth. What do they have in common? Overpopulation. Do want America to go down this path?


Audioholic Overlord
You're kidding, right?

Strange, when in the early period of mass immigration to US by Europeans, no hue and cry like this was being raised, as it happens, some immigrants became model citizens then, some took to crime and formed mafias and put the crime balance of US out of control, but interestingly, no such cry of ban legal immigration was being raised, now that the immigration crowd is mostly non european, I see a vehement action against it.
During the time of the European influx, we were in need of skilled workers who would add fuel to the fire of our burgeoning economy. They went through the proper channels to come here, worked hard, learned the language, put down roots, raised their families here, and were not a burden to the country that was kind enough to let them live here. Within a generation or two they were indistinguishable from any people who had been here for generations before them.

Nowadays, the concept is not to integrate into this country. It's to sneak across the border, live in crowded hovels, work off the books, spend as little as possible here and send as much money back to the home country as possible and eventually go home leaving nothing. ...and we pay their medical bills!

Either that, or send a pregnant cow here to drop a baby and then move the entire extended family here and, unlike the legal European immigrants, get free medical care and force the current generation of Americans to cater the them rather than integrate into the society. Of course, they don't/won't speak English and will demand that services are provided in a language they understand.

What's funny is that virtually every other people (European, Asian, African, everyone) that came here had the brains and drive to learn the language. Why can't they?

They add nothing to this economy. All they do is drive the wage levels of unskilled labor jobs down and hurt the indigenous peoples. This is analogous to termites destroying the structure of a building from the inside.

I would agree to an extent, US has to shut down immigration, that would do good to these countries as well, point being, many are loosing valuable brain power and workforce, by shutting them off, they would be beneficial to their own country. If the world stop seeing US as the pot of gold, and realizes that gold can be made even in their own backyard, economim immigration will stop to a great extent.
no, most of those sneaking into this country and living in the shadows are unskilled labor, and we have enough locals that could do these jobs without these people driving the wage scale down, assuming they could be paid a living wage.

Now, my solution is to finger print everyone. Everyone. Natural born Americans as well. If a question arises, check the fingerprint database. If you don't belong here, out you go. If you're caught several times here illegally, well then, they want to be here in the worst way. So be it. We'll provide their basic living needs, but their freedoms will be seriously curtailed. Live in barracks and their services will be provided to local businesses at very low rates that would make the minimum wage appear to be a gold mine. OF course, the option to leave and never return will be available for a while but, after a few times of getting caught, it becomes permanent.

Yeah, it's a form of slavery but it's not like they were forced into it.


Audioholic Samurai
There is cause and effect in everything that happens. Once you understand the cause, finding a solution will be easier. We know illegal immigration is a problem. As long as opportunities exist people will continue to come one way or another. Blaming the illegals is not gonna stop them from coming. The best and only way to stop illegal immigration to strengthen our border patrol. Make it difficult or impossible for them to cross the border. That's the answer right there.

Agreed on the border patrol but no matter what we do on any border it wont be enough unless we punish those who jump the border & break our laws.Laws are only good if they are enforced.

The cause of illegal immigration is poverty in other countries & our lax attitute twords those who jump our borders,the effect is staggering crime figures,increased poverty in our country & health care & welfare systems that were designed to help citizens having a massive burden put on them,from people who do not wholey suppport our economy.

Americans should never forget that much of the monies made in this country from illegals is sent right back out of the country.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Strange, when in the early period of mass immigration to US by Europeans, no hue and cry like this was being raised, but interestingly, no such cry of ban legal immigration was being raised, now that the immigration crowd is mostly non european, I see a vehement action against it. I would agree to an extent, US has to shut down immigration,
This thread has nothing to do with legal immigration.


Senior Audioholic
This thread has nothing to do with legal immigration.
I feel there's an injustice within the laws of immigration along with mass amnesty to illegal immigrants but let me just keep it for myself for now.

On one hand, i feel for those illegal immigrants who work hard but on the other hand, i believe they shouldn't come here illegally in the first place.
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