You're kidding, right?
Strange, when in the early period of mass immigration to US by Europeans, no hue and cry like this was being raised, as it happens, some immigrants became model citizens then, some took to crime and formed mafias and put the crime balance of US out of control, but interestingly, no such cry of ban legal immigration was being raised, now that the immigration crowd is mostly non european, I see a vehement action against it.
During the time of the European influx, we were in need of skilled workers who would add fuel to the fire of our burgeoning economy. They went through the proper channels to come here, worked hard, learned the language, put down roots, raised their families here, and were not a burden to the country that was kind enough to let them live here. Within a generation or two they were indistinguishable from any people who had been here for generations before them.
Nowadays, the concept is not to integrate into this country. It's to sneak across the border, live in crowded hovels, work off the books, spend as little as possible here and send as much money back to the home country as possible and eventually go home leaving nothing. ...and we pay their medical bills!
Either that, or send a pregnant cow here to drop a baby and then move the entire extended family here and, unlike the legal European immigrants, get free medical care and force the current generation of Americans to cater the them rather than integrate into the society. Of course, they don't/won't speak English and will demand that services are provided in a language they understand.
What's funny is that virtually every other people (European, Asian, African, everyone) that came here had the brains and drive to learn the language. Why can't they?
They add nothing to this economy. All they do is drive the wage levels of unskilled labor jobs down and hurt the indigenous peoples. This is analogous to termites destroying the structure of a building from the inside.
I would agree to an extent, US has to shut down immigration, that would do good to these countries as well, point being, many are loosing valuable brain power and workforce, by shutting them off, they would be beneficial to their own country. If the world stop seeing US as the pot of gold, and realizes that gold can be made even in their own backyard, economim immigration will stop to a great extent.
no, most of those sneaking into this country and living in the shadows are unskilled labor, and we have enough locals that could do these jobs without these people driving the wage scale down, assuming they could be paid a living wage.
Now, my solution is to finger print everyone. Everyone. Natural born Americans as well. If a question arises, check the fingerprint database. If you don't belong here, out you go. If you're caught several times here illegally, well then, they want to be here in the worst way. So be it. We'll provide their basic living needs, but their freedoms will be seriously curtailed. Live in barracks and their services will be provided to local businesses at very low rates that would make the minimum wage appear to be a gold mine. OF course, the option to leave and never return will be available for a while but, after a few times of getting caught, it becomes permanent.
Yeah, it's a form of slavery but it's not like they were forced into it.