
Justice is what should be found, not revenge. Have they absolutely confirmed that said person was indeed the shooter. I mean if he isn't that could mean the shooter just put the gun on the person to make it appear as though they were the shooter, but I guess their would be security cameras that would have identified the shooter. The campus police chief is reluctant to give out much information, probably because he can't or simply doesn't know. Could you imagine what this feels like for him? Things like this hurt everyone, aside from the press it seems. The media lavishes these things, I saw the press conference, and I could honestly say there would be no way for me to maintain composure being asked those questions, especially after all that he had seen in the hall. This is a true heartbreaking event that no one could have expected. How can human beings be so evil and twisted?
race4aliving, I am glad to hear that you son is safe. I would imagine he is feeling some intense emotions right now. I hope he is holding up. Thank God he was running late.
nichols540, sadly I don't think you school will ever be the same. Such an event leaves a permanent mark on a small society. It is a tragedy what happened today, I am truly disheartens me. To see the look on the faces of those involved or coming into contact with the tragedy really lets you know how serious and painful this event is. All our hearts be with those that are part of this tragedy.